SFoL 61 - Castle of the Blood God - Ended Early, will be Re Randed(15/16)

I can ISO them if you’d like but I don’t even have a read on either lol.
I just seen they both had 80 posts lol

Reasoning for picking him as one of your Allies targets.

…Is that literally the only justification for picking them both?

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Good Content Post!

Has Good Readslist!


Another Good Post

TBE is Town Read!

this conclusion was made before you actually read his ISO, wasn’t it

like, its very obvious

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But do we know who the Town Core will be?

If I remember correctly, TBE had the same thought about Derps.

Alice being Alice

Alice and Arete having a disagreement in Reads

He talks to TBE in this one

Alice brings up meta.

You know I’ll give this one slight town.

Yeah I’m going with Alice and TBE as my crew.
Seems like a solid bunch to take down the scum with!

How are any of those things townAI?

Also lol IIoA.



you might as well lolcat


I feel confident in my Town Reads on Alice and TBE.
They will be my Royal Guards.
Just added them to my chat.


seth if you’re a town aligned king i will write you a poem

i don’t really know how else to signify how confident i am that you’re a BD/Unseen king

you are not town

you are a wolf

wolf wolf wolf wolf wolf



Where’s my Poem?

How is commenting that forcing PoE to vote first is a mildly good idea is a “good content post”?
He’s just agreeing with the point that Alice previously made.

The readlist is fine for that stage of the game.

‘Honesty’ is NAI. It’s just as likely for town to say that they only have two reads because they don’t want to lie about said reads, as for scum to say the same because they don’t want to leave any associations.

Also that last post… I won’t even go into it, because once more – It’s completely and utterly NAI.

I’m 99.9% sure it was.

when i poison you tonight we’ll see

This whole thing is literally IIoA.
What do you expect us to say when you post this? What is your intention behind posting this?

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Like, I’m not asking you to ISO Alice for me because it’s a job that I want you to do.
I asked you to ISO both TBE and Alice and give me your honest thoughts on them, not produce… this, whatever it is.

I want you to form your own opinions and give them to us.

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Bloo, when you finish your what I’m assuming is a catching up wall post, please put it in a summary.

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me catching up(that's all)

none of the alches can attack

also if you don’t believe it because lolkatze then that’s less reason to jail

and if katze sticks with the claim, even worse because the vessel got 0 new info

if that’s the scumteam then nice


is it just the lack of care or was there something else

I assume this is by PoE and not you specifically disliking posts?

imagine that

well yeah I stand by my deepwolf point but ill try to not spend the game too paranoid

id say explain gorta but theres not enough to go off of - future blue here, its explained

so yeah that’s a pretty agreeded readslist

besides my slot but I wont push it

i dunno where they are

you SL them because they say they want to put effort but don’t


allies chat, forgot about that

I don’t care to be in it

I know others can and will probably make a better use

alas if I do make it into allies i will probably claim

is that a good thing? should I claim if im in allies?


I feel like specifically asking for reactions is literally the entirety of d1

guess that’s good thing

null arete




this is something to keep to yourself

with meta, do you think this still applies

why do i have the double asterisk

oh everyone else asked

just null me if unsure

im still lost as to what this is

I have a tinfoil but im afraid I don’t pass

wait forget it

how does ans write this much

just read a few walls

p good look for ans

how does this relate to me

I see my name but Im not sure what you mean by it



that’s…rather obvious

legend says I will never take the W

both interpretations of that is correct

I am

sheeping is an excuse

unless your having trouble reading someone but have at least tried. Am i not a hypocrite now?

The odd thing to me is that everybody is doing RTs and admitting to them being RTs with that being an RT in it of itself

what I mean is that

everybody literally asking for reactions

cant be normal

well that’s cool and all but how about no

this is going to be fun

did I miss that

we are not going to use this as a point


this is more of a meta thing I wont fight it(because of what is said just after the quote)

maybe time will help

what i don’t like is that since a lot of people don’t have a lot of scumleans and im thrown in there…bad


im a consensus scumlean

im going to ignore the semi-competent part

I wouldn’t mind being in allies but im stil a weird choice


i agree but I don’t really control it

why is my slot so important

this…this no

it was bad - it didn’t have a lot of reads, but it was what I thought at the time

I almost laughed

I know im town

but I don’t know that you do

Ans/Nappy/Appel/anyone that’s in chat

thoughts of me claiming in allies?

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nobody’s typing so ill take this as an opportunity to make a readslist