SFoL 62 - Dead Chat

I literally just shackles when others claimed including Arete.
I tried to kill someone N1 and it failed for some reason.
N2 I went for Magnus to trick into thinking there was a darkstalker

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I meant to trick into thinking there was a frost thing.
Not darkstalker.

Ugh, I just couldnt lol

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So is jane just town


Kinda glad im not alive cuz i have zero brainpower the last few days LMAO

or maybe thats because im dead

inb4 Zone is death immune

for whatever reason


I actually have like
Less than zero brainpower rn

But in a world with scum!jane, is thunderdoming wazza not the correct play here? Its likely just a cult win tmrw with a ML?

I think i might just wait for a flip and try to solve from there
Not being able to interact with people makes me not care to try to solve rn lmao

weird and bad take

if ans was a wolf town wouldnt let thread die as soon as he leaves

but if ans is town, more wolves remain meaning more people are fine with thread dying

yes its only 1 more wolf over 1 town but it works

i think ans is just town

hes been acting like town
he looks like town
he feels like town
he smells like town

he was bled and there have been no other scum bleeds

if hes a wolf i will give him a round of applause
but im going to solve as if hes town, unless he does something insanely wolfy

hes converted tonight

what does town smell like

let my tinfoils tin

your (probably) not wrong

also this 24h bonus was rather wasted

With that said,

my reads were/are sub-par.

putting a V next to townreads and v next to townleans

chloe M
ans M(bled) V
gorta V
ā€“ mode v

!Misclear zone!
Jane v
Emilia v?
Centuries M V

Wazza M v


Blizer/Zone V

everyone is V is mylo yes thank you

can we ignore that i tunneled you for an entire day until the last few hours when i realized you were being townie af


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by the time i realized you were town as fuck it was too late because lolexecutionerclaim

im posting this here since I dont actually want to discuss this postgame so instead ill just link this or just let it exist and people will read it

the whole exe claiming thing, start to finish

part one: consensus scum

EoD2 I thought I wasnt doing bad; I had a ~some amount of suspicion on me and had done a lot of analysis the previous day, but then I get sentenced

this, obviously, is very not pog, and when the next day I was consensus scum it was worse, because I saw myself as the execution

see, I didnt even really know why I was consensus scum, but a vague majority decided it so and so I was, and id have to work with that.

part two: self resolving

There was no way me being executed was a good thing. Besides the obvious NL into misexe bad, I was effectively bountied; if people wanted me executed, it could still happen but the execution can be used elsewhere; perhaps actually on scum(like it was).

If I was in PoE, so be it, but im the only person in PoE who can die guiltlessly and (nearly)immediately without wasting the day

After that wack SoD though, I couldnt claim condemned, because nearly everyone interacted with me, and everyone who voted me would also be clear.

I needed a plan B. Maybe claim self resolving?

part three: Im the executioner

I wanted to(and still consider it +EV to)

  • not be the execution
  • not claim condemned

I couldve claimed self resolving, but that would require the exe to pick up on it and kill the self resolving claim, which I dont think was happening.

I also saw an opportunity to

  • buy the executioner a night and possibly eat a kill for them
  • not take myself out of exe PoE

and I went for the gold.
I might agree if anyone thinks I shouldve claimed self resolving instead; but I went with executioner, never rescinding; I intended to die that way.

part four: Blue, signing off

I outted halfway through the day so wagons could actually form naturally, but apparently it was still read as a panic claim. Whatever else, I didnt get the reactions I wanted

At that point I was even more likely to be the execution, so I played the ace and let go.

I dont intend to debate this; nobodyā€™s mind is changing, particularly after this.


I had an S/I check on you
So the second I saw it I saw it as rolefishing

I think all my opinions were already stated during the game, and since you donā€™t want to debate it, Iā€™ll just let it be

What happened happened
We move on
gg no re

Youā€™ve reached the maximum number of likes. Please wait 10 hours before trying again.


i disappear now

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My Executioner PoE was exactly CRich/Anstreim towards the end of the day, but TBEs reveal made me lean the latter. Probably overestimated CRichs PR cover because I thought he was too obvious to actually be it. Was leaning CRich until then, and thatā€™s why I got annoyed at TBE for his play. Probably should have just went with my initial assumption that Anstreimā€™s reaction to the bleed was pretty un-PR like.

Still think it was -EV, but less so now.

Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t use an alias that could be attached to me! :wink:

If I randed wolf Iā€™d probably still be in towncore! Well, the only thing that might have stopped me would have been paranoia, maybe. Same thing with highway. That slots posts are very villagery but come off as if theyā€™re from a very good player, which usually means theyā€™re more capable of faking posts like that. Still doubt that slot is a wolf nonetheless, I went over this in Allies Chat IIRC. Maybe it was towards the end of D2.

The only three names in this game I recognize are Arete (who I saw play in champs), Seth (who I didnā€™t actually know was Seth until Allies Chat) and Zone, although the latter is more of a name Iā€™ve heard of than anything. Might have opted into using a more known alias for myself if I knew that the other people I know who play on this site wouldnā€™t be participating.

To be honest, Iā€™m a bit embarrassed with how not good my reads were. In the sense thatā€¦ I had no real scumreads the entire game other than PKR, who (no offense) was probably the most obvious NK Iā€™ve ever seen. If Blizer had actually played I would have tried to get them executed over PKR because I anticipate wolves would have tried to ā€œbusā€ PKR the longer he lived. I donā€™t know who the wolves are yet, but Iā€™m pretty sure I hard miscleared somebody for a dumb reason.

I can kind of follow your thought process here. I understand that you donā€™t want to debate this so I donā€™t intend on starting a debate.

First off: The fact that you had a plan (and it failed) is better than I took it at face value. In the moment it did not look planned, justā€¦ panic. Which is a big reason why I insisted that your slot had to die, despite some of the most pure and villagery posts at EoD.

If you made your EoD posts a few hours earlier and skipped the Executioner claim, Iā€™m fairly confident you just donā€™t die.

FPSing for the sake of towncred like this is generally something Iā€™d say is >rand W as well, but Iā€™d be lying if I said Iā€™ve never done it as a villager.

Thereā€™s also the problem that you spewed yourself as not being the PR way before you claimed it. I donā€™t remember exactly when I jotted you down as ā€œnot the Executionerā€, but I assure you it was before the claim. Which made the gambit very wolfy to me.

To be fair, keeping PR cover in a setup like this is probably less important than a more traditional setup, but it honestly hurt to watch so many people go out and drop it immediately. Another reason I kind of wish PKR lived longer, a lot of the claiming done was strictly unnecessary.

This is starting to sound like a postgame rant, so Iā€™ll cut it there.

Iā€™d say this is the most important takeaway, though.

I wanted to TWTBAW read your gambit because it failed before it began.

Anstreim is 100% scum for quickhammering me when I said yesterday Iā€™m going to enter the thread before dayend to hard defend myself and create a push on Jane.

thats gg im p sure

Has to be, Town have no way of winning if itā€™s EK.


that thunderdome


11p alive, 7 town, 1 noot, 3 cult

lets say;
2 misvigs, 1 of which is healed
1 convert

5 town, 1 noot, 4 cult

its lylo/mylo, but it requires the noot to actually vote w/town.