SFoL 62 - Dead Chat

using a bit of occams razor for that


might not be pro-town?

your right

but I probably? wont stop

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attempting to solve with you is really fun, TBE

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you too

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well its not actually bad

but Zone can self heal

so our analysis might not make to the living

but also tomorrow might be lylo instead of just a loss

ans is right

so if his d1/2 are to be believed, which they are, Jane is town


more cards to fold

someone please ask him why heā€™s HoTing Chloe n3 when the claimed clockmaker clockworked chloe n2

also, the other ones are odd too(and why not use FN n1)

(also the whole thunderdoming thing is a bit no)

but Jane almost cant be scum


being an uninformed-but-was-previously-somewhat-and-involved/caught-up-in-spec is difficult

what about an arete execution

that would kill 2 town and lets give benefit of the doubt so 1 scum aswell

3 cult
1 noot
7 town

-2 town, -1 noot, -1 scum
2 misvigs

2 cult
3 town

even worse then a ML; they gain majority as opposed to parity

wait you were in spec chat?

confused chloe noises

not actually a spec chat this chat

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somewhat involved referring to when I was alive

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okay something that would be really cool

if one of the vigs were on groupscum

that would be cool


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watch us have a third vig thats not claimed yet


I have a wack read on ans

heā€™s topposting by like 100 posts more then the second top, and still consistently has written walls

what are the odds he does that as V

he only has 2 games but postcount doesnt seem to be AI?

every post is game-related

it is kinda funny though, if you look at the start of the game, the thing he said he learned from 61.5 is that hyperposting is anti-town

I feel like im ignoring Ansā€™ slot because i just
I dont wanna
I wanna just ignore it

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Modkill on the PR sucks. I had PR narrowed down to two people and chose wrong because CRichard made one post that felt very un-PR like. Sucks. Not sure if I think town deserve to win or lose given D2, depends on Seths alignment (probably V) and who the wolves actually are.

For the record, since I was wrong on my PR hunt, my N3 heal was on Anstreim. Them not being PR means they might just be a wolf, tbh.

I thought I was pretty obviously a villager, but I suppose nobody here really knows how far out of my wolf meta I was this game.

Decent chance it was a PR hunt given I tried pretty hard to keep myself in PR PoE. Or just a SPK.

Jane wasnā€™t converted N2.

You were probably the most obvious villager in the game after PK.

Could be W/W, to be honest.

highway came off as quite a decent player and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if I underestimated their wolfrange.

But a N1 green on that slot adds up with their D2 play.

Not reading the game anymore, just checking in here now and then.

Wasnā€™t invested enough to stay very up to date.

Iā€™ll try to remember to come along during Night if thereā€™s alleged dead interaction.


was kind of pointing towards hyperpost bad

but also

he hasnt been bad with them(just some IIoA)

at the end of the night Zone should die, and tomorrow(during the day) Zone will be able to speak in both dead and main chat at the same time

I thought CRich was aā€¦ very obvious executioner

Also, if Ans isnt a wolf now, he will be tonight :upside_down_face:

I doubt you were a PR-hunt kill, especially if Ans is a wolf
He 100% caught on to the fact that CRich is executioner, but CRich was being pocket-healed by Arete probably
So they just got the 2 loud town voices out

speaking of which

I did think you were quite the obvious villager - I just donā€™t know how strong of a player you are, and your wolfrange. Hence why it would be a hero-shot if i shot you. Iā€™m at least proud of myself forā€¦ not giving in to temptation and shooting outside of PoE lmfao

but im a really bad wolf.
I understand why I died, but I donā€™t think a competent scumteam would attempt to convert me :upside_down_face:


Lets hope for a wolf flip today


i play this game like im convert immune

if I roll gscum in one of these im converting the underrated and unexpected wolves; as long as the game isnt too long theyll probably make it

until someone quotes this post and ill feel dumb for outting my gamer plans

Jane/Wazza V/V arent they

the basis for the thunderdome is so

not a basis for a thunderdome

granted, Wazzaā€™s n3 was a little bruh; was the point of dressing up two empty slots

but I dont think its necessary for wazza to be a wulf even with the redirection

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