SFoL 62 - Dead Chat

oh right

this is a thing

unironically Wazza’s string thing is really strong

chloe good

Oh yeah
Last second hella yolo prediction

And TBE i apologize for getting you murdered
You were very townie at EoD yesterday, and would have considered keeping you alive if not for the no-rescindo
Youre a great player and I dont want you to get down on yourself


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im a bit annoyed I died to a policy execute over actually being scumread but I do see why I died there

lemme toss my own glory read into the ring

jane/ans and one of emilia/wazza

I particularly think Jane was converted, but it would be unusual

Centuries isn’t Diviner.

They’re very obviously softing Constable.

Hello i was pinged


Also based on some shit he said about me - “i can think of a class chloe could be”

Also said he got the same results on emilia as he would on himself or some shit

Meh. Their posts came pretty clearly from a “I have a not groupscum, but possibly 3p” check on Chloe, imo.

Which didn’t disprove my theory.

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Look at posts #1323, and #2432



Also he saw CRich has passives

He’s silly then.

Pretty sure literally every 3p has passives.

I keep on forgetting to ask what 3p is.

3rd party

Aka neutral

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third party

a noooooooooooooooooot

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Also this game is becoming mech-central
And people are going to focus on mech-solving

We’re gunna lose

aw crap here we go again

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I had fun for the most part

I also dont think anyone particularly is to fault if we lose besides perhaps mode

but it would be p pog if we got a clutch

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So i just asked Amelia

A resurrectionist is still in dead chat if they use Rite of Ascension

Lets just
Solve the game
And have Zone be our voice


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I uh

I do fear that its Zone

but if he can echo us that would be sweet

also bewhere that CL can edit their own flip; but all of our deaths are accounted for

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should I still be writing walls

I feel like I half write walls to convince people im town

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not all of our deaths are accounted for if PKR didnt kill PK

I heavily doubt anyone killed themself as CL before a single erad went off

PK is fine cuz lolresults
You’re fine cuz you got executioner murdered
I’m fine cuz im me
Eighty is probably fine cuz support on ans

Im still gunna try to solve a bit and try to get zone to say our shit

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