SFoL 62 - Dead Chat

Anstreim is 100% scum for quickhammering me when I said yesterday I’m going to enter the thread before dayend to hard defend myself and create a push on Jane.

thats gg im p sure

Has to be, Town have no way of winning if it’s EK.


that thunderdome


11p alive, 7 town, 1 noot, 3 cult

lets say;
2 misvigs, 1 of which is healed
1 convert

5 town, 1 noot, 4 cult

its lylo/mylo, but it requires the noot to actually vote w/town.

Ici can you do flavor for every game please


You see, remember how clockmaker said Ans was visited?

yeah that exists

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oh this is a thing

i forgot this was a thing

do we have anything to tell zone if he dies and game continues? lmao

Make this public if you will


I want my round of applause btw :^)

Biggus postus

Meanwhile Cult:

Knew who Exe was D2.

Totally :wink:

Meanwhile PKR:

Doesn’t use their unlimited free day kill.

I did that on purpose, nerd.

Arete Noots in!

We dreaded Vulgod replacement.

Sorry :cat:


Thanks Seth!

Doing NKA = Lockscum :joy_cat:


Yeah, totally.

FoL 28? (Whichever game I rolled King in)

Can’t remember the rest.

My WiM is usually way higher as a wolf, I just got burned out. Was definitely a good call to take a long break after this game.

Ah yes, convert the person I 100% knew was Oneiromancer and thus unconvertabel :wink:

I warned you nerds.

It was, but wouldn’t have worked even without Occukilling PK.

Indeed. So long as we managed to avoid the minefield, which we did :partying_face: !



This is actually an F.

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He didn’t know you got jailkept

Poor guy

wait, i don’t get a notification if u get jailed?

Blizer got jailkept

JailKEEPING means you occ them and prevent visits

oh, whoops

also nobody has jails in this one

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