SFoL 62 - Spectator Chat

People will complain about a spec doing so

ironic that I ask this and then a discussion about it starts aaaaa

oh yea ans is town lmao

i said that before the bleed

Slow game.

Will you modkill empty slots?

This is a horrible post

"doesnā€™t make you a good player at allā€™
Heā€™s hunting for bad players, not for scum

I disagree with this
I feel like itā€™s more of a ā€˜Scum that doesnā€™t want town to mech solveā€™

I think the sentimen of ā€œdonā€™t claimā€ is great in closed setups

but In FoL claiming is much more common as the game is slightly mech breakable

I donā€™t know this setup well enough to see if that holds true here

but in FoL i find myself waiting for mech info in the first hour or so because it usually comes


Mode/cent is v/v

itā€™s just 2 people with strong personalities (seth being the much more uhā€¦ strong one) who cannot stand each other

or maybe itā€™s just cent not being able to stand seth

either way

itā€™s v/v

Centuries had a really weird post
I think Mode is V

Mode is villagery

but I think centā€™s reaction is villagery too

Bottom sentence was horrific
Implies that he knows there is good reasoning for him being scum

Not been paying attention to the thread much but if Centuries is only scumread by ModeShifter + a few people it could be an attempt at diverting ModeShifterā€™s attention

I disagree with that being TMI

It looks like heā€™s just asking for good reasons to be presented against him or for them to gtfo

even if it is phrased in a kinda ??? way

Why is Chloe a TR by people btw?

Havent been reading the game much but my gut doesnā€™t like the slot.

sheā€™s not really a tr from me

sheā€™s a big ā€œidkā€

Game is painfully slow in all honesty

In part because of a strange lack of nightkills and because seth is seth and did seth things

if fucking seth gets yeeted game will be no closer to progressing and thatā€™s dangerous for town in a likely cult game with conversions existing

I think Chloe might be scum.

Look at their whole ISO.

Take a look at their formatting.

I feel like they are posting in such a way to emphasize the uncertainty of a townie that itā€™s performative.

The majority of their posts are broken into several short paragraphs.