SFoL 62 - Spectator Chat

Like he violated game integrity to the point where his slot had to be modkilled and claimed he did it on purpose

I as a host will not allow that kind of player into any of my games unless improvement is shown, and I as a player will opt not to participate in a game with someone who has shown to willfully violate game integrity

the first one is fine
but because he claimed he did it that shouldnā€™t be used against him as evidence because he couldā€™ve gotten away with it if he didnā€™t

I feel like there is enough evidence in the actual game to conclude he did it
Zone & them were clearly agitated and he had did it in a previous game, as stated before.

He should be permanently blacklisted.


The confession is enough evidence.
We arenā€™t in court of law.

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I agree
But thatā€™s not my choice

Iā€™m not a mod but I think this kind of thing is super egregious and agree with astand

And he was known to do questionable stuff before.

It is enough evidence
But it is evidence youā€™d prefer not to use
For reasons above

wait real quick question cause im dumb, but chloe and arete are in this game right

Yes, they are

Chloe and arete are both in this game yes

cause thats at least why im not making a mod descision yet

Thatā€™s bad reason.
I imagine he takes some sort of satisfaction with the fact he ruined the game.

want to not be hasty ya know and get their takes

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make me head mod

give me the forum

i will make the decision

but that has to be post game to not ruin integrity

there is no head mod
i dont have the forum to give
so no u wont make descision

Okay; and Iā€™m saying that he should be blacklisted
But I wouldnā€™t like the confession to be used against him; but rather evidence in-game
There is enough of it

the forum is mine

fear it

Run from it

it is no longer FoL

this is joy crab forums now