SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

i just did what i was told

also where did Italy go

heā€™s a role with dead interaction at night

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he said he was the saint

Nobody has even acknowledged the fact Iā€™m dead

wazza lying btw
he didnā€™t kill me
cuz i killed you lol

PK you can lie about your answer but

did I have the 3rd BD member among my nulls or lower

excellent questions
what were ur nulls and lower


yeah im pretty sure itā€™s somewhere around there

Vulgard didnā€™t even thank me! wtf!?

everybody always forgets about the dead
unless theyā€™re scum of course

nice one leafia

honestly i was gonna fakeclaim a redcheck on vully
but you know
bleed and whatnot

also the starting visionary
is our only hope

to italy when he sees this
youā€™re saint, right?
is wazza HoB?
i still killed centuries so thereā€™s no way heā€™s not

Also, Italia spaghetti, Soot didnā€™t die ;-;

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Italia pulling some spicy play by claiming the stalkerā„¢

Wait he just gonna die lmao

Heā€™s getting 2x thunderdomed

RIP dead interaction.