SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

yes, he was obviously town socially

no scum screams like that after claiming to have forgotten to act

sorry @Italy

even as town leader, you have no power to cause anyone to listen to your reads

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Though if his real life is getting in the way of playing games, maybe donā€™t play FM games.

Sometimes you donā€™t expect it though .-.

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my invest results from N3:

both PKang and Light were killed by the same target, and I only see that unseen visited them the nights they died

I was unable to investigate my target (on Whysper). I assume this means I was occupied prob

if youā€™re in allies with ash, you need to stop alice from getting delayed i think

So both slots in visionary PoE are dying tonight I think.

frost is definitely visionary; he showed blatant tmi

I just wish Gorta didnā€™t forget to submit his night action.
That screwed him over big time.


please get ash to not delay alice if you are in allies with him

i cannot remember alice ever saying ā€œiā€™ve been dunking on wolves left and rightā€ as town
only ever as a wolf, as an easy way to quickly divert suspicion

So Frostwolf Visionary and Alice convert correct?

That would be a real bruh moment as theyā€™re both in Visionary PoE.


i dont trust alice, but vulgard pointing out the nature of her bleed being strange if bd is convincing

Well if she survives and no one healed her, then she is 100% outed wolf in any case.

Whysper has been awfully quiet lately.
They were somewhat active until D3, then they dropped noticeably.

Hmm not sure I should rely on this too much as I donā€™t know how they play.

my change sheets info clears whysper from being starting scum

still could be convert tho? maybe not, idk

Iā€™d like Italy to turn up soon.
Weā€™ve got some stuff to tell him.

I swear if Alice isnā€™t a wolf I donā€™t know why people think she is so good. She is as dense as a piece of damn oak wood that is several hundred years