SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

It only takes up to a few minutes to submit your night action to the host and the night is 24 hours.

italy wonā€™t die if he is jailed by zone

CtA was activated for night 3

Vengeance cannot bypass jail

I have a reason for that though, I was in the visionary PoE and could have resolved or died the next day via execution

you were at the top of the poe after i died

thereā€™s a reason why i said find someone who isnā€™t mechanically cleared that you donā€™t trust, and kill them

you were a walking corpse since you failed to capitalize on the opportunity to self-resolve

I have a feeling Italy is in Allies chat as he isnā€™t replying to us yet.

When I got back to my computer it was after the day ended and I simply forgot due to getting caught up in yard work and then winding down with a movie


and that aspect was ultimately your fault

you are not blameless if we lose, thatā€™s all im saying

we probably win the game

It doesnā€™t change the fact that you were told to prove yourself in the day and you didnā€™t do it.

I know, but itā€™s not all my fault like some certain people will say

donā€™t worry about it. mistakes happen

no, not all your fault

as i said, we probably still win

frost the visionary who had blatant TMI is absolutely dying tonight

Weā€™re not saying this to make you feel bad, would you rather hear the unpleasant truth or a comfortable lie?

weā€™re very lucky that we eradicated hob

Oh and concerning your ā€œhorrible sleep scheduleā€ Gorta. Any plans to fix that or not?

I just know I will get blamed if town loses. for ā€œnot doing anythingā€ and ā€œfailing to self-resolve and thus failing to not get executedā€. Damn you Seth, if you hadnā€™t bled Seth we could have got the openwolfing Visionary

better that than a bleed on town

Surge or Seth as you call him proved himself as Poacher. You on the other hand didnā€™t despite being told multiple times about needing to do and not doing it when the opportunity arose.

Itā€™s not my sleep schedule now, but itā€™s all of these damn things that has to be done around my house falling apart. I just hate being called lazy all the time, despite doing things.

I would start on your sleep schedule 1st if I were you.