SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Also you said you were called to trim trees at 5:30 pm Gorta. Are you telling me you couldn’t spare a few minutes earlier in the day to submit a night action to the host?

Being lazy is a mistake and a choice.

Look, you can’t just make sure people can remember everything.

I should have pre-queued an action, but I didn’t think about and yes I was called to trim trees about 5:30 PM

Ok so what were you doing up to 5:30 pm then?

I don’t know why my family wishes to do yard work at the second hottest part of the day

the day was still going when I left


IRL stuff comes up.

IRL stuff comes first.

It came at an unfortunate time but I won’t have us criticizing gorta for that.


That isn’t the problem Ash.
The problem arises when that makes it impossible to play the game you’re committed to.

You can always ask for a voluntary blacklist until your real life is sorted out.

…But it is sudden?

It’s very random and doesn’t happen all the time, so that’s a bit much

This time just screwed me over

Crich, I suggest you leave it alone.

You may be right. But the way you’re going about it isn’t solving anything–only making people feel bad.

So just take a little break and we can revisit this after the game.

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…Unforseen circumstances occur in our lives.
Be glad you have not experienced one yet, and for the day that you do, be kind to others that are going through it right now.

How so? By pointing out that it only takes a few minutes to submit a night action?

Night hadn’t begun yet

Uh I’ve had his happen though not in a FM setting.

but I still think we have a chance because the game hasn’t been called yet