SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

I understand that you are frustrated, but still, I have forgotten to submit an action before due to the fact that something unexpected happen even if it could be resolved in a hour or so.

Sometimes you just forgot about it.

And yes, I know, it is a bad behavior, but it is still a mistake on our part.

See Gortaā€™s situation is unforeseen.
Yet this isnā€™t the first time Magnus has slanked in a SFoL game.
Look at SFoL 62.
Heā€™s a serial slanker.

He must have made 5 posts until he died in game?

I wonā€™t ask to be blacklisted unless this becomes more of a problem

Yeah and my kindness gets repaid in the worst way possible here.
See why I became a jerk to everyone on this site?

Next time I just pre-queue my night action and leave the window open so I wonā€™t forget about it when I get back

Hell I told the entire ToL Discord I like to use my words to hurt people.

Good idea.
I for sure wonā€™t be playing any FM game Magnus joins until he shows signs of improvement.

Thatā€™s not my problem.
Iā€™m not paying attention to you guilt tripping me.

I just realised that Leafia being Heroine and Alice being Visionary means Derps occupies Alice while they execute Leafia. Derps occupies Alice again and itā€™s gg.

YES! this is why I say we can win

Still this could have over a few days ago.

Still a win is a win if Unseen manage to pull it off.

To be honest, not saying anything that gets my post flagged is an achievement here.

Eh, if it is not down right insulting or hate speech, people wouldnā€™t flag your post.

As long as it isnā€™t about the person and instead about their actions, then it isnā€™t insults or hate speech.

It could also work out if they swap and the converter is jailed and the kill is blocked

pretty cool huh?

So the plan if Italy is reading is that Leafia has to be executed 100%. Then Alice gets occupied until execution.

I wonder what would happen if they swapped