SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Especially on one slot

Correct it was.
First Sulit, then me.

The cursed slot :tm:

I was obvious town once I subbed in though?

Yeah, itā€™s was Wazza daydreaming and then snapped out of it when itā€™s too late.

Still, town executing village idiots is a thing.

Itā€™s also because they feel threatened of the leadership that goes against their senses and want to get rid of the interference

Hence we do actions that us players believe itā€™s right, not following the orders.

@Italy please show up

at 2 AM I go to bed if Italy doesnā€™t show up @CRichard564 will you be here?

It depends on when Italy shows up my time.
If itā€™s midnight my time, Iā€™ll be sleeping.

what time is it for you?

4:30 pm AEST.

I will feed him info, donā€™t worry about it :^)

i was fucking right about frost being socially town

and i was right about aliceā€™s poe being 4 villas apparently

Problem is town screwed up bad.

i am never joining a game with so much mech shit again unless itā€™s a mash or something

yes i am blaming the setup for my own failures

hey no ones mech confirmable uwu

hey owo owo.

oh no you dead noobs

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uwu owo owo


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alice had perfect timing with the kill on me
quite literally perfect

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