SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

Nein, I legitimately forgot to submit an action even if I was on, which is why I was disappointed when I didn’t get an activity prod

Oh that’s good to know. Not playing with you again as well.

my anger is only smaller than my anger
nothing else

Amelia thought it’s good idea that my night abilities are disabled by letting me know I dont get Vom Tach from killing N.1

It’s on the class description that I receive 1 use of Vom Tach from each kill.

It didn’t say it’s for HoB or BD players only

Excuse me while I add a few entries to my Do Not Play with this Person list.

What, few more?

Got a problem with that?

I already told you why I didn’t submit an action. This is legitimately the first time this has happened

I mean, me specficially as well?

I’ll leave you guessing here.

I will still play, so just don’t play a game with me because I screwed up once. You don’t have to be so damn petty about this stuff

I don’t think I will, I rather leave it and suck it up.

Yes I think I will.

sad you’ve got to lighten up be happy :slight_smile:
nothing is meaningful
you gotta watch the emoji movie :crying_cat_face:
you’ve got to fight the depression
you are strong willing :facepunch:
Don’t let people fool you
become a better person :pray:
live a life of joy teach others the way
then you will find true happiness :smile_cat:

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This is the first time in I don’t know when that I forgot my night action

It rarely happens

Such a good sob story. I’ll submit it to the Oscars.

the fact that all of this bullshit took place on the week leading up to what is meant to be enjoyable and celebrated is probably the most angering part

Looks and feelings is apparently deceiving.

We were taken by surprise we least expect

I don’t care if you don’t join games that I play, but it’s so damn petty. You just won’t see play in games in the future I guess