SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

you could be a starving child with no pc but you get upset about forum games

damn reality check.

i expected dumb things
i didn’t expect this
nobody could have

Good for you.

No remaining town killers wanted to kill each other.

I hope you know this is ironic :flushed:

there are no remaining town killers
they’re all either dead or disabled

We end up disabled, but my point is that Night 3 we didn’t attack each other, but end up killing other targets.

If I had shot Whysper Leafia would have died, which thinking about it would have won the game earlier, but yard work came up and then in the chaos I forgot about this game.

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guys my town is a killer how do I stop? :joy_cat:

Don’t make guns legal so you can tell the bad guys with yer guns :shushing_face:

Soul still lolcatting in dead chat?

oh yeah whysper was going to be our convert

Why not kill me or Alice? We both screwed up, so I am not saying “told you so”, but I want to know why you shot N.1 over me or Alice

Italy, is Derps on the allies chat?

too bad about the whole happy hour dead thing Lolol

Italy confirmed it

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I read N.1 as scum, but not Alice or Leafia.

I will be more suspicious of Alice when she started to powerwolf.

it’s 99% ek anyway you lose

Imaigne if it’s hob king and hob somehow wins

That would be like super epic

if it was ek the game would be called

In case you are correct which I doubt, it can only be Hob KIng.
This game would be over if the King were BD.

nah it prevents meta gaming like this from happening