SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

next up is yeehaw fm
mountainous ITA game
mountainous ITA game

the next SFoL uses alts, which should be fun. I enjoy faking typing styles

You guys wonā€™t see me coming using an Alt.

Why prolong the suffering though? Just end it and move on. I donā€™t give a damn if it confirms the king is 100% good

Literally Iā€™d be so easy to tell from just by the way I type because of dyslexia

ruins future games

proceeds to use 1337 H4X0R L4NGL4G3

Honestly, I canā€™t wait for the part 7 mash

one of the best parts of JoJo

Eh Iā€™ll still play with Frostwolf.
Bad wording isnā€™t a deal breaker.
As for Gorta, a few days and Iā€™ll reconsider what I said about not playing with him.

you have the wildwest, stand battles, fun villains, and great side characters/villains

I do try my best to explain even when calmed down.

Iā€™ll just use a grammar check site or something and be aganist owoā€™s and uwuā€™s

ā€œjesus told me we need to kill the presidentā€

Hey Gorta, I was angry at you.
Give me a day and Iā€™ll probably change my mind.

I think you will come to your senses. I donā€™t do this all the time

donā€™t forget rule 5

I honestly donā€™t care what role I get in that mash

Yeah I know. Iā€™m salty and Iā€™m surprised I didnā€™t say anything that would get my posts flagged.

Hey, itā€™s ok, a few days ago I was ready to cuss out people in all caps with words that I normally donā€™t use