SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

I won’t spoiler my reference, since it’s so obscure

You will only get it if you have read part 7

how do yo know what are the next games

looked at the queue it’s so outdated

There is a queue for FM games in a thread.
I’ll post the link.

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there is a queue and the part 7 mash is still in review I think

@ItalyImagine winning the corpse parts from events and having them add buffs to your character


a) are you in allies
b) did you see my new optimal plan for maybe not losing

we’re basically already following that plan so yes and yes

the main problem with this game is that the primary person pushing wolves was a bussing wolf

most villagers just tvt’d or didn’t push anyone

you can’t blame me for following alice considering i followed her when i thought her reads were correct and they were

town Alice never lives this long and that’s my secret to reading Alice

the problem with that reasoning in this game is the fact we nullified wolf kp very quickly which gave alice an out
“wolves couldn’t kill her”

Remember when Alice shot me in CFM2?

honest answer

also enjoy this meme nightmare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbwf7ioUt98

but yeah i did try to evaluate her poe and from the looks of it i’ve successfully managed to call the villagers in the poe villagers while i was alive

i think i did all i could on my end
minus deadchat activities
i probably should’ve yelled way louder that vigging me was a dumb idea but i didn’t expect anyone to actually do it

what i don’t get is why was seth killed