SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

and no this is not a rickroll

i donā€™t get it either
he had a confirmed town bleed, so never starting wolf, and if he were converted, heā€™d be outed wolf instantly because his meta is so distinct nobody ever converts him

wazza and AT knew the plan was to get alice executed

i have to say that at is like a different person this game
iā€™ve never seen him this involved

iā€™m actually not sure why you openwolfed? you were in a decent position, you could get out of that situation probably

i think you guys are too salty even though i understand why

soul didnā€™t want the visionary to die

the visionary didnā€™t die :>

task failed successfully

i want to see town leader italy more often

nah I was wanting to be lunched. but open wolfing was the wrong way going about it

i can always pull a hippo and claim that the game was lost when i was nightkilled even though this isnā€™t true

town leader italy does not want to appear more often
i get extremely competitive which doesnā€™t pair well when you can find flaws with little trouble

but itā€™s better than do-nothing italy

We all noticed he is not boasting and play the game.

If they processed it it would be modbias since they were breaking their own rules

the entire purpose of the deadline is so that the hosts have time to process an action
not to prevent people from submitting actions just because itā€™s late

And 23 hours is in all likelihood ā€œenoughā€ for these situations.
Itā€™s something not worth bickering over now though, considering the game is still running

Magnusā€™ contributions in this game:

  • claiming PR on day 2
  • using actions in accordance to the towncoreā€™s wishes
  • not using actions at all sometimes
  • repelling wolf KP and conversion attempts with his powerful aura

magnus is just a puppet
he rarely speaks and will always do whatever heā€™s told to do without even thinking about it