SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

wazza cant be last bd mechwise though

im being fooled

Eh, I did give you Whysper/Wazza, who knows.

nice prank scum o_O

Trust it or perceive it as a lie :stuck_out_tongue:

nice prank unseen

i mean wazza is lying
unless you dont know u were redirected at all or something
cuz i wasn’t redirected

Anyway, Centuries, can you guess what I was trying to accomplish D1?

yolowagon for town cred bc u thought alice was hob?

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But I also just want to create chaos, lol.

@EliThePsycho Also, you probably could’ve lived if you didn’t try to defend me, rip.

I have a theory - Italy is actually the Blasphemerer and are just trying to go off for Wazza due to my information, lol.

Please do not delete posts

whoops sorry

o7 soldier italy

little did they know
PKR literally removed himself from dead chat
for some reason

Well, rip Soulcatcher.


May I be a temporal VC bot if nobody were doing VC?

stop lolcatting

i like the way this game is going
mostly because im scum