SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

love how leafia is claiming they can self-resolve
what did they even claim o.o

oh nvm
they can self-resolve

For italy when he sees this:
I was Observer.
I used Blue Bird D1
Zone didn’t bleed intensify
Wazza did
so your HoB look something like this
Wazza, Whysper, and somebody else
im pretty sure you could have figured that out anyways, but.

Why are you helping Unseen?

im helping get rid of the HoB
it’ll take them a while to find the last HoB

wait nvm
i just realized
i just revealed zone as the last HoB
lol good job me

why are you trolling though 8D

im trying to get you to reduce bd poe :smiley:



Anyway, Centuries, go live to say our tales tomorrow :^)

I don’t even think he revives me

not even bc lolmaybesaint

ah yes the glorious double replacement
wait im not supposed to discuss replacements

Actually, Italy, you are goddamn right about Sulit “dying” by predicting that he will replace out :eyes:

@Italy hello gamer u will have to REZ me o_O since pkr is GONE

also yeah i thought u were obvious town cloned o_O

oh hi Italy