SFoL 63 - Dead Chat

They might have swapped hmm maybe?

Would that effect anything?

Would that mean that both are immune to occupation tonight?

hmm they would be both occupy immune.

Even through jail?

No. jail bypasses occupy immunity.

So either way there is no convert tonight

Nope no conversions.

then we need to block the kill

Can we block it?

or have the king block it

Didnā€™t they bleed Surge? So Heroine canā€™t pierce Death immunity.

if thatā€™s the case then the king uses guards and itā€™s gg


Do you have anything to say?

If the king was BD it would be over already, so the king is likely good

Tomorrow looks like it is going to be ugly.

Remember, bleed exist.

@Insanity was your tunneling of Alice intentional?

Welp, if you look at the thread, you could see if it is intentional or not.

Itā€™s why I thought Alice was visionary because scum just doesnā€™t do that without reasoning