SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

I never said rand with even distribution.
Rand according to number of slots obviously.

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Well there’s no neuts here… but the question is if this occupies or kills HoB members

well actually occupying them is just generally worse most of the time since it does nothing to arbiter and causes the champion to also miss their kill

Should be just normal kill.

Probably. Don’t really listen to me tbh. I just remember Heroine is supposed to be equivalent to Assassin and that HoB’s version can attack anyone.

i see no reason for it to not attack HoB

New Eliminate

As a result I also changed this passive

These abilities now fail if used on the Visionary and Arbiter due to breaking promotion

i love lolmultiball!!!


we’re using king instead of emperor

i love this elaboration

i think three prestige should be able to spawn
since there are two wolf factions i think the game would be more fun with potential conversion there, etc.
as in
with the potential for more prestige abilities

also, there should be a day 1 lynch
can’t wait for lolgladiate

should probably be rephrased like arbiter’s passive was, because it’s functionally almost exactly the same

i’ve just had a thought
is this a silent effect or not?
i feel like it should be silent
otherwise there’s a problem

this class can’t do the things exiled can do
and it’s actually a big problem

The Mystic

Blue Dragon Social
Prestige (Passive) - Only up to two classes with Prestige may spawn; including the starting Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium class (if the starting Blue Dragon or Hand of Byzantium class has Prestige, their equivalent Unseen class cannot spawn). If the Mystic is converted from an Illusionist , however, then they do not contribute to this limit; only starting classes do.
Exile (Passive) - If you are converted from the Exiled, you will retain the Cryptic Communications ability.
Telepathy (Day) - Send an anonymous 1000 character message to target player. You may not target the King with this - 3 uses
Link Fates (Night) - Clone any action taken by another member of the Blue Dragon this night onto an additional player of your choice, except killing or conversion. - Infinite uses
Influence of the Blue Dragon (Night) - Prevent another Blue Dragon member from being voted tomorrow. Cannot target yourself. The effect is silent. - One use
Accurate Fates (Call to Arms | Night) - Clone any action taken by another member of the Blue Dragon this night onto an additional player of your choice, except conversion. - Infinite uses
Defeat the Unseen and the Hand of Byzantium.

now the class actually has a sufficient power level and ability to not be immediately outed

desc should clarify that the message is anonymous

the effect should be silent
i think making these effects silent is for the better
otherwise we will have people trying to prove themselves as lock town by using these abilities when they aren’t supposed to

that’s it for now will probably look for more stuff later

Hmm this looks interesting.

multiball is fun because you can scumhunt regardless of alignment and that is unquestionably the most fun part of the game

i’ll try to go through all the town classes soon and figure out if they’re anything busted or underpowered in multiball

I wouldn’t mind being starting wolf for once.

Unless you’ve played ToL with me, you won’t know how I tick as a wolf.

I see there is no neutral killer. That makes sense seeing we have 2 group scum factions.

i don’t think there’s a reason you shouldn’t be able to execute n1 when both wolfteams have 3 starting members
also like i said, day 1 lynch should be a thing i believe

i feel like this is underpowered in a setup this size

Disenfranchise (Night) - Target player will secretly require two fewer votes to be lynched tomorrow. If there are twelve or fewer players alive, the ability only places one silent vote instead of two. - Infinite uses

and make this apply to bd/hob versions of the class too

is this decided at random?
should you be informed which you will appear as?
this is actually a relevant question
i think it should be decided at random and stay that way (as in, you will always appear as one faction and never the other) and you aren’t told which one

i feel like marshal and duke (and their converted versions) should be immune to this, otherwise you have the potential to fuck up massively
on the other hand, they can both be converted and in that case it’s +ev to use this on them
so i guess this is fine


why the …

i’m considering a timesnatcher nerf but i don’t think nerfing unseen is a good idea
so yeah that’s it for current insights

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I’ve never SEEN Exiled/Cabalist’s abilities in action myself, but making them silent is smart

Day 1 lynch is a thing already

Oh god Arbalest

Boastful Rampage is indeed random. I’ll make that more clear