SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

Nothing a bit of editing can’t fix

Perhaps it should get a new name

I remember in my setup I mentioned earlier, the Exorcist becomes the Mortician when being converted to the Unseen

What about Monsterologist

That could also work given the amalgamation ability

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Mortician isn’t bad either

The Alchemist

Blue Dragon Special
Brew Potion (Day) - Brew a potion to use at night. Each one must be brewed once before being brewed again.
Apply Potion (Night) - Use the potion you have brewed.

  • Truth Potion: Learn a player’s class if they are a member of the Unseen
  • Tar Potion: Occupy a player for this night and cause their day abilities tomorrow to fail. You will be immune to occupation and redirection while using this.
  • Health Potion: Heal a player and cure their bleeding. If they are a member of the Blue Dragon you will additionally tailor them as Unseen
  • Emerald Potion: Tomorrow, you may cause a player to begin bleeding. They will die in 2 nights unless healed.

Poison Potion (Call to Arms | Night) - In addition to the potion you brewed with Brew Potion, use a Poison Potion to kill a player. Two uses

Defeat the Unseen and the Hand of Byzantium.

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The Exorcist

Hand of Byzantium Special
The Harvest (Passive) - You will obtain a soul for every player that dies at night. You are always aware of how many souls you have. If you started as an Exorcist or were converted from the Plaguebearer you will have two souls to start, while if you were converted from the Mortician you will have as many souls as you did before conversion.
Souls of the Hand (Passive) - If you become the Champion you will retain however many souls you had for the purposes of Transfusion and Infusion.
Terror (Day) - Spend two souls to cause a player’s day abilities to fail today. This will not work on the Visionary or the Arbiter.
Hypnosis (Day) - Spend two souls to cause someone to receive entirely antithetical feedback tonight in every way possible.
Transfusion (Night) - Send souls to watch a player. You may add augments to this check using souls, each one costing one soul.

  • Learn who a player visits and who visits them
  • Learn two classes, one of which is the target’s class
  • Learn if your results are correct

Infusion (Night) - Augment the Champion’s attacks with souls, each augment costing one soul.

  • Make the Champion’s attacks unhealable
  • Make the Champion’s attacks bypass death immunity
  • Hide the Champion’s visits from investigations

Defeat the Unseen and the Blue Dragon.

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@Geyde more analysis / critiquing please

having this class alive allows the champion to bypass DI or healing with no net loss every night :eyes:

i guess the HoB is supposed to be strong here tho

DI bypass actually isn’t that strong on HoB because no BD class has DI

And BD can literally just use unhealable attacks on its own so :eyes:

Marcus is objectively the best unit in FE7 due to insane bases, godly move, and incredible weapon ranks that make him useful throughout the entire game even if you don’t give him any kills
He makes early maps far easier, and his usefulness can even stretch until endgame


whoops we yeeted the NK out :sunglasses:

what do you mean theres no NK

He got yeeted out D0

Oh yeah
This thing also still exists
It can force the Duke to execute himself.

im tempted to give this the unique ability to kill the arbiter at night to help fuel the meme.

Woah that sound powerful as heck.

it can’t though?
i thought execute was limited to the player in jail

if the wording doesn’t imply that yet, it should