SFoL 63: Triple Threat — Virtuous Discussion and Balance Thread

It’s not atm
this is how alice had prince execute himself in that game of hers

@Alice context pls

that’s not what happened

the Prince jailed himself and then was strongman killed


the reason i buffed call to arms abilities is because they are supposed to be powerspikes and should be significantly superior to whatever hob can do on call to arms nights

the previous ones were just mildly improved

How it’s coming along Vulgard?

not that badly
review of the classes you guys are adding pending

Good to hear. I mean you have time to tweak the classes. We’re up to SFoL 60 which doesn’t start until a few days from now. Better stop talking lest people accuse me of angleshooting.

I didn’t read what everybody said but the king’s permanent scheme and swear fealty is backwards

wait no that’s just my big brain thinking that unseen was the minority

So this is an idea rn and if it gets approved it goes to signups?

Basically it’s waiting for review

Which will take a while given it’s at the bottom of the queue

the warp staff is not obtainable in FE12 Lunatic or Lunatic Reverse
also, unlike FE11 merciless, enemy stats max out across the board before the end there
that’s why they’re definitively impossible on 0% growths lol

FE12 lunatic reverse is absolutely the hardest mode in franchise history


ok it is possible, i found a playthrough on youtube
But around half of the units died in that playthrough lmao, the player had to tactically suicide some units
Def impossible with all recruitments and no deaths

Well, I told you that I’m going to yell at you about wording – and so I will. Albeit not excessively.
This is what hurts my eyes so far.

On BD Visionary:

It sounds… Quite awkward and it sprinkled with weird capitalization. I think the whole passive would be easier to read if it was reworded to:

Path of Leadership (Passive) If you die as the original or second Visionary, the youngest non-killer Blue Dragon member will become the new Visionary. If there are no non-killer Blue Dragon members left, the youngest killer will become the new Visionary instead.
There can be a second or third Visionary, unless the current Visionary dies as the last member of the Blue Dragon. However, no more than three Visionaries can exist in a single game.

Missing punctuation in Apply Potion descriptions, namely on Truth Potion/Health Potion (sentences lack period). Brew Potion is missing charges. Apply Potion is missing charges.

The Duelist:
Royal Blood wording inconsistency, Duelist’s class card spells:

Royal Blood (Passive) - Your votes for King will count as two.

When all (most?) other classes have the following wording:

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become King count as two for you.

Marchioness, Judge, Torturer and Baronet are also affected by this. Auditor also uses completely different wording.

The Exorcist:
Missing punctuation in Transfusion and Infusion descriptions, all of them lack periods.
Terror, Hypnosis, Transfusion, Infusion lack ability charges.

Mortician is affected by the same issues (lack of capitalization and ability charges). Plaguebearer also lacks ability charges.

The Duke:
Inconsistent capitalization in Royal Blood description:

Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.

King should be capitalized. Also affects Duchess.

The Enforcer:
Cold Steel – inconsistency in the description of charges, uses “Unlimited uses” instead of “Infinite uses” like all other class cards. “Uses” is also improperly capitalized in Protect description.

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thank you anstreim.
Shows how much grammatical errors can compound upon five peoples’ expanding works on the same thing:

  1. Pug (Return of the Blue Dragon)
  2. Alice (Hand of Byzantium)
  3. Vulgard (Last Stand of the Virtuous)
  4. Me (Virtuous II: Return of the Fallen)
  5. Amelia (Triple Threat: Virtuous)



I’m just obsessed with consistency and I’ve pestered Amelia about this before.
Might go over class cards again later to see if I missed something, and yeah, it’s understandable.


u probs did

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