SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

My thoughts exactly I don’t want to Omgus vote here but I definitely do think scum was on my wagon at least maybe a sheep voter or two

Helen hasn’t really shiwn substantial town motivation or any real interaction with players despite the fact they voted me for similar reasoning.

I just think the justification is a little hypocritical and I want helen to do more to convince that they aren’t worth the d2 push

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doubt BD killer would kill this early though

d2 king lynch is really bad

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I’m here but not really here. Kind of busy today but will still try to do my part.

Firstly, @Ivo_Wake, I want to apologize for my aggressive behavior yesterday. Was mostly frustrated at your immediate claim but I can’t change the past - and complaining just wastes time.

Alan practically freezing up when I called him out for his horrible progression and reasoning is wolfy.
He never provided me with his take on Nicolas, after I asked twice.
He also started a list of reads/ISOs and never finished it.

Meh. Don’t read too much into n1 kills. I don’t want you biasing yourself into a read because of n1 NKA.

You haven’t done a whole lot recently. Perhaps people might feel better about you if you stopped only defending yourself and started solving the game and forming a towncore.
I think at this point you’re just echoing yourself a bunch, which isn’t inherently AI, but it’s clogging your ISO and unnecessary. Do other things.
What are your current townreads and why?

Stop. This is stupid.
Don’t go any further into this soft.

I like this post from Geoffrey, but I wish they would follow up with votes, questions, or some sort of pressure on the person they scumread?

I was wondering the same thing. Had to go right after he posted this, and forgot to mention it.

I’m trying not to base the main portion of any read on percieved experience level. I understand where you’re coming from with Geoffrey, and I’m honestly starting to agree a lot more, but their tone and word-choice give me the feeling that they are a villager who was genuinely frustrated that people were not reading their content, and they also feel… pure?
As I notice my bias on this, I’m starting to see other words where they aren’t TWTBAW and they’re just a wolf.
I think I just have this gut feeling that Geoffrey is the designated ML. But my gut should not be trusted, so I’m not going to try to dissuade people because of it.

I chuckled.

Lucy questioned Andy’s opener, and flipped V. I disagree with this assessment.

Find it interesting that you comment on Susan but not Lucy at any point, even though both died, and I mentioned both of them in my ISO (I believe I said more regarding Lucy, as well). Probably reading too much into this.

I don’t see these as enough to make someone locktown (or, 90%, as you put it), but this response feels fine.
It’s not padded with unnecessary wording. Straight to the point.

Noting that Peter has a PoE, and actively tonereads Jane as a wolf, but isn’t pushing them very hard or really questioning them?
Maybe they will later on in this catch-up.

Continuing on in a separate post so people don’t just skip over a bigass wall.

I made those on small school breaks in which I am obviously not gonna make reads then

I mean I know I repeated them but they are only made in response like how do I get the message across otherwise

this feels performative

(katze cant) count

Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Jane_Drayton 1/9
Jane_Drayton Nicolas_Adams, Peter_Carew 2/9
Helen_Harte Isabel_Savage, Emma_Maison, Ivo_Wake 3/9
Isabel_Savage Sarah_Lacey 1/9
Alan_Atlee Mary_Savill 1/9
Andy_Bernard Alice_Alard 1/9
Sarah_Lacey Thomas_The_Second 1/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Geoffrey_Bailey, Andy_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Edmond_Bailey, Helen_Harte 6
yell at me if anything is incorrect i just got out of bed :joy_cat:

whyd you leave out reasoning on Isabel here?

@Alice_Alard u on?

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I dont see why townreads would be bad why didnt u point out flaws in their reads if you thought there was

how did most of these reads pop into existence without progression or any mention about them before or reasoning attached

This isn’t rolefishing.
Thomas never asked for other Prince claims.

How are you supposed to read people if they don’t post?
Thomas didn’t push Jane for this, they just stated that they disliked them being on the sidelines.
Your past 2 arguments feel shady.
Are there other reasons you dislike Thomas?

Why can’t it come from a wolf?

I’m getting tired of telling people to stop with this crap.
Just stop.


No please don’t lol
A. I don’t think I’m a very strong player
B. Sheeping me doesn’t allow me to see other people’s thought processes. It’s easy for wolves to just sheep top town.


This NKA is an easy perspective for scum to push to get MLs. I still think you’re townie otherwise, but I don’t really like your focus on Lucy’s death.
Night 1 kills shouldn’t mean that much imo.

Dude why are so many people saying Assassin and excluding the possibility of Cult

I’m not going to sheep Thomas just because I townread them. I also wasn’t entirely sold on Gilbert and I said that.
I stated my reasoning for voting Ivo.

Who on the wagon do you find sus?

Vote someone other than King.
While I agree King is wolfy, we need the main pack.
Holy shit there are 10 replies to your post

Someone claimed occupied, so I’m going to give Alan a night for a possible Butler to buttle.
Fine with killing him tomorrow if we get a wolf out today.

Expand on why you see this as town motivated please.

Peter still isn’t pushing Jane very hard? They voted them and that’s about it.

Did you read any of the game before replacing in, or overnight?
Did you view Thomas as scum during this, if so?

GTH slight scumlean atm.
I don’t know if I feel comfortable voting here though?
I’m going to take another look at Gilbert soon and re-read what both you and Thomas said on the slot.

Guess I’ll check this out too.
Think I missed your take.

Just vote.

Yeah but i’ll brb
Whats up

tell me how this isnt NE claim and I am just crazy

they dont seem like a memey type

When ur at 5/9 votes all of a sudden when you wake up you do kinda panic

Meant at alice but whatever

Warlock doesn’t exist
Also I socially read Thomas as town

Tbh if they are ballsy enough to out as NE here and get themself bonked by a lynch tomorrow or town KP on another night
Good for them lmao
I kinda just brushed off the claim

Yeah it’s understandable. I just wish it went differently, but I can’t change it now so shrug.
I don’t really hold it against you a ton.
Let’s make up for it and kill some wolves.

I could pretend to be a pathetic waste of time not worth killing.

Honestly the worst thing about outing is that protectives have to be even more careful.

Some positives about it at least

We need a “Strong” prince while I can’t fully fulfill it I do think I can do a decent enough Job

I hate PRs so much pressure that I don’t need

Hey so since you’re an outted Prince now,
We can at least get one positive thing out of this:

What do you want jailed people to provide in their only message to you?