SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I know that warlock doesnt exist
and I also townread their previous slot which is why I am conflicted

they seemed to really not like that previous person on their slot was troll and dont seem to meme that often so that seems out of blue

they could be SS and this goes more in line if you consider their previous slot according to them fakeclaimed obs that tracked sarah to lucy I know person on their previous slot was tunneling but I doubt they would outright lie about the results

plus they fakeclaimed obs at start of game even before the whole thing because it is confirmable so it would make sense if they wanted to falsely push someone d2

Mainly reads, claim, game strategy anyfthing really standard, also why I shouldnā€™t just kill them to free up Poe.

Theres another reason I think Thomas is unlikely to be NE and Iā€™ll explain it if Iā€™m in allies w Prince tonight

Brb again


A quick thought I just had

@Nicolas_Adams donā€™t out your results immediately tomorrow, please

Wait till at least halfway through the day if its something useful

Anyone around?
I wanna talk but Iā€™m currently too lazy/multitasky to do iso dives

Iā€™m bled. I need healing tonight.

i have overslept
i have missed two of my classes and a test
everything is fine
i am here and reading everything my dumb ass missed

Then start interactions with people.

Stop fucking defending yourself and hunt wolves.

If youā€™re a villager then you should have at least one wolfread by now.

Why arenā€™t you evaluating it then?

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Fun fun

Was wondering where the bleeds were at

Let me know when youā€™re caught up

Thomas who do you wolfread outside of Gilbert again?

of course alice, will do
iā€™d like to note the criticisms of me are perfectly valid, instead of my usual lowposting with no content, i have highposting with low content. will definitely work on improving this today for everyoneā€™s sake.

This site overuses NKAs to the point that wolves intentionally tailor them to mislead town here. Iā€™ve already stopped using them by now.

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Yeah, I think Gilbertā€™s just a wolf from not having any wolf reads while at the same time being able to make such a detailed deduction that Iā€™m an NE.

Gilbert/Sarah/Jane are my highest SRs rn.

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Will do

No outing checks until at least 20 hours after SoD

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Iā€™m pretty much sold on Gilbert by now.

/vote Gilbert

Short version of my case is that his posts in general look exactly like someone with a Cult/Unseen PoV would have been that he literally has no idea who the wolves are, is not trying to search for them, townreads everyone for no reason, and his idea of wolfhunting it to hunt 3ps.

Iā€™d like him dead today.


Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Jane_Drayton 1/9
Jane_Drayton Nicolas_Adams, Peter_Carew 2/9
Helen_Harte Isabel_Savage, Emma_Maison, Ivo_Wake 3/9
Isabel_Savage Sarah_Lacey 1/9
Alan_Atlee Mary_Savill 1/9
Andy_Bernard Alice_Alard 1/9
Gilbert_Lovell Thomas_The_Second 1/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Geoffrey_Bailey, Andy_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Edmond_Bailey, Helen_Harte 6
yell at me if anything is incorrect

Honestly ready to follow you on this

Been giving the guy a chance to step it up but all heā€™s really been doing is defending himself and then shading you for the NE meme.
Needless to say, Iā€™m unimpressed.

Half sheeping you on this. Also going to read over Helen once I get off my ass and stop procrastinating, to see whatā€™s up with that wagon.

/vote Gilbert @katze

I said I wanted to talk but I mostly want to talk to people like Alan/Mary/Peter/Jane/I guess Edmond
Only one of these people happens to be somewhat active, it seems.

pun2:electric boogaloo

Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Jane_Drayton 1/9
Jane_Drayton Nicolas_Adams, Peter_Carew 2/9
Helen_Harte Isabel_Savage, Emma_Maison, Ivo_Wake 3/9
Isabel_Savage Sarah_Lacey 1/9
Alan_Atlee Mary_Savill 1/9
Gilbert_Lovell Thomas_The_Second, Alice_Alard 2/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Geoffrey_Bailey, Andy_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Edmond_Bailey, Helen_Harte 6
yell at me if anything is incorrect
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how exactly does this make their slot look better? anyone can fakeclaim and itā€™s a bit odd that they come out with exactly this claim when bountying Thomas had been a topic of discussion for awhile.

did you ever finish your iso list? you submitted it too early sure but i can see you typing now and if you still havenā€™t done this iā€™m not thrilled.

if geoffrey lives up to their promise i am willing to reconsider the slot but as of now i canā€™t say theyā€™re above null for me.

this could be just me, but i find that if you replace in you should read the entire thread anyways. not particularly AI though as a certain person made most of D1 unreadable.

okay, i like this from geoffrey i had been thinking the same thing myself. of the ivo voters, jane stood out as a particularly opportunistic wagoner. the progression isnā€™t stellar and they joined a rapidly-forming wagon instead of their top scumread first.

and just several posts later i see a reply. why wouldnā€™t you ask othersā€™ opinions on the game though? for me, asking questions is a great way to form and improve my own reads as i can both judge replies and gain insight in to how other players view the gamestate.

at post 2185 now, will split these up so i donā€™t have a screens-long wall.