SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

should i be offended
too late you’ve hurt my feelings anyway

I mean I am solving I dont understand whats wrong with the defense


I did?

that follows how?

I felt it was a little too late. By the time they outed it of course I wasn’t going to be PL’d since I replaced the troll and actually started being productive. A W!Peter could have read the thread and just fakeclaimed it as he’d know that I’d never get lynched.

Thing is I expect him to bounty someone tomorrow so the slot should resolve itself through mech means unless this is a Cult game.

It’s easier for Unseen/Cult to hunt the NE than to fake hunt Unseen or Cult because they don’t know who the NE is thus they can realistically hunt for them.

i find myself liking almost everything emma posts, she doesn’t spam the thread, and always has something meaningful to provide and this is no exception. we can’t go about using meta or skill level to justify anything people do, and solely look at reasoning and the “why” behind everything somebody does. it’s forced me to up my game and i believe it’s why i see a lot more solving here than the usual match on this site.

ah, susan is dead? she flipped Observer if you missed it.

i did, i know. this comes up a lot as a talking point and i’ve given my reasoning for doing so, though i will happily explain again if asked.

i hate this post. i’m sorry i just do, the tone is awful and “many others” gives me vibes of scum wanting to broaden the PoE to throw doubt on everyone that interacted with thomas.

the fact that peter called this out immediately after i thought of it is a good look for him, the fact that others picked up on this weird tone gives me comfort.

thats untrue I do have reads

thats also false I do search for them

I dont what

I mean it is probably conformation bias speaking to you which you should try to keep in control but you are so set on it you are just giving false info just to lynch me here

I dont see how thats related to your read the only reason I am mentioning NE is because you claimed warlock

exactly, scum peter could have seen this as a wonderful opportunity for an easily confirmable fakeclaim since
a. it had been suggested already
b. a bounty is ridiculously easy to prove
c. since it was obvious you weren’t getting lynched it buys them a day at the least


The fact that you’re discounting the possibility that I’m Cult/Unseen here and repeatedly call me a confbiased villager just strengthens my argument that you have TMI.

You fixated on the idea of me being an NE and wrote a few paragraphs over it while you’ve repeatedly talked about how you lacked any wolfreads.

it was about W reads at that moment not about reads all together

I never discounted that possibility I am talking about conf bias because I can see you being just inexperienced village and hard tunneling me for basically no reason here

I am not fixated its 2 post over a thought I had which I am conflicted on

i’d mentioned this earlier, CL can convert and kill in the same night so we don’t really know which groupscum we have until a flip.

i was surprised, i already figured he was a troll but wasn’t sure if they would that blatantly gamethrow.

i have to say, i do as well. i’d scumleaned them mostly because they seemed awkward and stilted in the thread but this has improved since D1.

why do you think this? i had the exact opposite opinion, that this claim would come from someone who read the thread either from opportunistic wolf looking for a good fakeclaim or enthusiastic towny eager to get a nuisance out of the way even if it was just anti-town BD.

hey, can we please not?
there could be a literal anti-claim NK in play here
every unecessary piece of mech information only benefits scum here.

@Helen_Harte you said you wanted to see more of yourself too, i think that’s true for all of us. please start posting more soon i really don’t want to put town in the PoE simply for being inactive.

i am struggling to “make content” (bad wording but you get the point)

are you currently caught up on the thread?
if so, do you have any strong townreads or scumreads, that’s an easy way to start.

well i read thread but i don’t think about it while im doing it
so i should go back and read it more, ey?

I’m just going to stop interacting with Gilbert as this is completely non-productive and is just clogging the thread with him repeating his half-assed defenses.

I was trying to sound jokey but I failed

I shoulda said
“I guess Edmond :^)”

Yeah I’m not inclined to believe his claim, as I said earlier:

I doubt Peter is n1 convert but Aristocrat has bounty as well.

Really liking Edmond’s recent posts and I find myself agreeing with them quite a lot. Tone feels comfortable too.

I asked for your townreads 4h ago.

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its too late my feelings are hurt anyway
on a slightly more important note: gilbert i want to see your reads and i’d rather sooner than later. you’ve been waffling on stating anything concrete you have for awhile now it seems.

I mean you are just making to not improve your reads and dodge argument because you know the read isnt standing on its legs

I hunt for starting Unseen/Cult then NK.

Convert hunting this early is dumb as we have the least info for it.