SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

/Vote Andy

Iā€™m fine with this or Gilbert.

And why the hell did you put me at tier 7 if I hadnā€™t really done anything at all?

@Mary_Savill has been put on a Grand Trial and has 12 hours to make a defense! Once they do you have 24 hours to decide her fate.

sorry for not processing this earlier I was asleep

Gilbert can go at somepoint imo.

Please feel free occupy helen/Gilbert as they arenā€™t going to be jailed for tonight.



Lets get this done quickly before auto end

I can bounty him tonight if that is what you wished to do.

If he is town, then lynch me second.


You cannot vote on a Grand Trial until the player on trial makes their defense

You can still votw after GT right?

@Mary_Savill Uh, quick, provide a defence.

Cant pardon until they defend themself


That sucks basically being forced to waste time here

Honestly please defend yourself quickly so we can have a decent lynch here this is actually annoying.

@Mary_Savill say something pls so we can exe


*exe normally ie not GT

Goddamnit do we need to mass-ping

I donā€™t think we have enough for majority atm
Just going to ping everyone cuz idk who is here


Mary is on Grand Trial and as soon as they provide a defense we need to pardon and vote back on wagons



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Its just near End of day donā€™t panic guysā€¦

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