SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

needless to say last night wasn’t the best for me and i did some incredibly stupid things.
i’m fine now but i didn’t anticipate having that happen.

Ok lol I’m not trying to be a dick sorry

I’m just upset that king GT’d and wasted our d2 execution

I’d advise going up sorry literally the most stressful shit ever

I’m not purposely trying to be angry here I just need a sense of players taking this seriously now because enough is enough :I

i’m sorry what the fuck?
i’m a bit snappy rn and i apologize for that but who the fuck did the King GT and why?

It was a random GT on Mary and hosts didn’t process it until it was basically too late we needed one more vote so we could get a vote off.


We’re still in GT that’s why day is still going on fyi

and now my head hurts again.
thanks for explaining i was not about to read 400 posts when everyone has been pinging me.
is the King still around?

Kinda they were here eailer from what I can tell apparently it’s a mistake.

I’d talk to them if you want about it I’m very mentally tired from seeing the thread state these past few hours

I have a headache while doing this as well

I did not feel like you were doing it as an opportunistic scum member.
It was a bit of a weak reason but enough to seem like there was logical progression for a town member to vote a slot.

6 is like null, lean town.
7 is like a town read, but not a high one.

You seemed alright.

Trying to rolefish a claim within these 2 types of class.

Could be rolefishing for prince or a misinterpretation.

A big issue I have is just the adamance of Thomas wanting me to be poisoned too. Sure, others have wanted it too but Thomas is actively pushing for it seemingly more than anyone else and Thomas 1 wanted me poisoned too. It feels like a repeat in a bad way.

oh so you are here.
mind explaining what happened with that GT?

noble takes way less resources to confirm relative to other stands

andy claimed much CW which is not as much confirmable

If I’m Scum to you. Aren’t you going to exe me.

I submitted it a good while ago.
Hosts processed it late.
I tried to rescind it beforehand but it was not allowed so ended up happening.

Basically just went not to plan at all.
As in my mind before when I GTd we would have had time to discuss, decide and re wagon if we wanted to

bruh moment
this post was made about 250 posts into the game.
sorry Prince but… flawed logic
anyways i will now read the rest of the Andy pushes and whatnot

and now we’re here for 24 hours right?
does anyone have the VC for the GT?

Will respond to this big post when back on pc in a little bit


Why did you GT over just pushing Mary normally?

I think rn its 4-5 pardon to no exe

Half of us unvoted after eod