SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

It seemed that nobody was considering Mary as scum at the time and to get a focus on someone I thought was scum, I had to do something like that since via discussion Mary did not even seem to be in any consideration.

arenā€™t pardon and no-exe the same thing here?

vote voter count
pardon idk 4-5
exe idk none
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quality vote count

thank you nicolas very cool

(It was more to explain the ā€œno exeā€ meant 0 exe votes in my recall of vc earlier)

Ivoā€™s push on andy has quiet a bit of flawed logic.
Of course, I might be missing things that are NOT the last 200 posts, but it has a lot of flawed logic.

Iā€™m going to go ISO Andy so I can see the reasoning behind the push

iā€™m going to go back and read the past 400 posts now ping me if you need me.
i feel physically and mentally shit so iā€™m so sorry beforehand if iā€™m not great today.

You didnt even attempt to vote Mary normally from what I see?

This is the start of your push
And you immediately GTā€™d without trying to gather a wagon on them first

Can you expand on this

I did a quick skim of your ISO and I see you going from ā€œMary is a wolf who needs to dieā€ to ā€œim trying to undo the GTā€ at the snap of a finger, once you got flak for it from the Prince
But not because you suddenly started townreading Mary
I dont see the progression, so Iā€™d like you to explain it please
Perhaps i missed it

Theres a small part of my brain that feels like youā€™re a BD King having a shitty time, but the overwhelming majority of my braincells scream EKEKEK

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Flawed logic? Iā€™m afraid not.

At least saying that your fine with prince wasting executes on someone whoā€™s likely null/town isnā€™t really flawed to me, just comes across as selfish.

also I responded

Oh i missed it my b

Eh iā€™ll accept this logic ig

I just dont think people should be not wagoned simply because of claim though. The context of how, why, and when they claimed is much more important imo


I would have ended up doing a vanity wagon if I did it in that way and I did not want to be hypocritical.
Furthermore, nobody had seemed to be against Mary beforehand and I was not exactly read as the most townie of Kings so I thought I had to do a big play.

Sure, honestly, I lost all confidence in myself in this game and some other one or ones recently, ofc I cannot say which.
Due to that, I just wanted to rely on the Prince because I wanted to be able to wash my hands of the situation since it was a snap move in the end. I regretted it and did not know what to do, but, I saw that the Prince, weirdly enough somewhat agreed on my read at the time and due to everything doubt grew and grew.

I liked Mary too from the reactions but even with Mary being a 5, it is Null Lean Scum. Therefore I did not think Mary is town, but just, Mary is not as sus as I think in retrospect because the handling was good.

I need to clarify that for you since for some reason you think I am townreading Mary, I am not, but it is just, I scumread Mary less than before due to the reactionsā€¦ and I just needed a scapegoat. Saying this makes me sound really bad but I just felt enough pressure already and wanted some gone.

I am sorry.

(So you thought itā€™d be okay to force everyone knto your vanity wagon with a GT?)


Thomas the 1st stuff isā€¦ bad, but not wolfy.
says this

the things he is referring to are C R A P
see below

Princess RT

his response seemsā€¦ angry, which is not something Iā€™d expect out of somebody who knows itā€™s an RT.


notices RT

self awareness :eyes:

His Readslist

[quote=ā€œAndy_Bernard, post:2507, topic:83777ā€]
Really Late Catch Up: Someone told me that it was kinda pointless to just do these catchup wallposts or something, so I just wrote down my general thoughts. I donā€™t have much thoughts about this tho so far:

  1. Weā€™re not killing King. King is almost never our priority here, even if we think theyā€™re evil/cult king, we must focus on finding gorupscum

@Andy_Bernard Why did you go on Lucy of all people? Especially not protecting them from all visitors and well, death.

This is a good readlist. Has lots of explanations. Their whole thing on Glibert isā€¦ strange, because ā€œlol 1 good post = nullscum instead of scumleanā€
Has yet to follow up with his unfinished list yet, Iā€™d like to see that from him.

In a nutshell..



  • Andy has a good readlist.
  • Andy has a bunch of interaction with players like Ivo, which is very nice


  • Andyā€™s readlist is mostly based off of ISOā€™s. Which is fine, but they need to interact with people (like I need to interact with people).
  • He contradicts himself several times with the whole Prince Axe thing.
  • Still hasnā€™t finished his readslist.


I explained it in my ISO of you. I would rather see Helen dead before you, but you are my second highest SR right now after Alan

Can you explain why you think Edmond is a null? I know you are the prince and thus safe, so I am not trying to accuse you. I just want to know why Edmond is a null to you

I want you to not be afraid to use your best judgement here. If you think someone is scum then execute because I donā€™t see you living too long now that you are outed. I still wish you wouldnā€™t have done that.

Actually no, wanting to make the prince behead an unknown role n1 that is just likely a troll is something likely to come from scum. That would put the prince out of the game and make them semi useless. Zone did this in the last SFoL and messed the whole game up.

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Done my catchup, I actually discarded most of it cause I didnā€™t find anything interesting other than Maryā€™s response. I wanna see where this goes.


I donā€™t think you get how Court Wizard works. Magical Barrier does not prevent attacks, it prevents pretty much anything else thatā€™s considered a negative effect tho. Youā€™re assuming Iā€™m used Ice Ward on Lucy night 1, which that one does prevent visitors, but not converters.

When did we establish this at all? Youā€™re like the first person to respond to my readlist. I donā€™t see anyone else responding. Also please explain where I established my ā€œoriginal scumreadā€ on you. I donā€™t recall ever scumreading before that point.

Yes it helps town. But youā€™re really doing much with those questions. Itā€™s not fully scummy, but itā€™s very ā€œbadā€ in my opinion.

Welp itā€™s the weekend, so I guess have some time for this.

Ok so this post seems pretty good. Theyā€™re trying to progress thread state which I like.

Butā€¦ she interacts with Thomas stuff again, which is odd for someone trying to progress threadstate.

??? The hell is this post? Why did she feel the need to post this.

This post is also meh. No reads from her so far in the ISO and yet she wants others.

You like to wolflean people because they also wolflean you. Alice had a good reasoning on why she thought you were scum and you even said you understood why, but then you still smally wolfread.

Post is confusing.
Youā€™re wolfleaning them but your opinion on them doesnā€™t change? I donā€™t really get this post. Please explain.

I have a question about this post. Further explain on what you mean by ā€œI believe it would be nice to put in here.ā€ Where? This post was kinda vague and was confusing.

Mary wanted me to claim when everyone was RTing me for some reasonā€¦ like what. She expected me to claim? Kinda looks like she wanted another reason to scumread me.

Iā€™m confused why she thought I was Physician out of all things when I said S/S.
I want explanation on why you specifically thought I was Physician.

Voting King, never good, especially when we donā€™t have any ideas on who scum are nor what scumfaction.

Those are the posts I found scummy.

Ok youā€™ve made 4 wallposts yes. But Iā€™ve read them and I canā€™t say they have much content. Most of them are analysis though or just some question asking so I donā€™t feel like thereā€™s content there.

Thatā€™s fair, canā€™t exactly remember why I said that, thought Iā€™m pretty sure it was because you were getting me and Alanā€™s name mixed up a lot.

Didnā€™t have enough time or will to make ISOs on literally everyone yesterday.

Imma go take a break, and then come back once I have my ISOs on the rest of the group. Also GT seems pretty bad, but itā€™s a Mary so weā€™ll see.