SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Then *Starting king

This medieval spoiled prince didnā€™t go to school

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Response to Emma

Iā€™m bad at english I guess
purpose of post was catch-up, and I tried to give a few reads in there + responses.
also your quotes were broken and gave me a headache

If you people havenā€™t noticed already, I dislike people accepting othersā€™ scumread of themselves very much. Attitude of a guilty person.

Can you explain this a little more?

First of all I think that would be shade, but thatā€™s beside the point.
Yes at the time I wanted to discredit Alice a little after my deepwolf sirens went off
which are more wrong than not it seems

The problem there was not that Thomas accused me - wouldā€™ve just ignored that. However, after I denied it the first time, many others started catching onto the idea, and I was annoyed that people would take time to listen to Thomas 1. Just wanted to put a stop to it and move on, which took a few tries.

explained this earlier but I took it to mean just that

ā€¦Sadly it seems like I do that a lot whether I intend to or not. I have one ā€œcontroversialā€ read on Isabel and thatā€™s about it, so gotta work with that I guess.

Overall I think the entire post was something along the lines of ā€œWtf are you saying hereā€ - NAI but quite stupidā€¦

Iā€™ve been trying my best to ā€œsolve the gameā€, but not the strongest player here.

ā€¦Might come down to mech to clear my slot

Iā€™m a merc with a target on Lucy and Susan
I do agree with this sentiment, but I fear other noots claiming to be these ā€œbenignā€ noots

Day 1 hasā€¦ absolutely nothing of note. Nothing. I was hoping to find something, but there is barely anything to talk about. Therefore, this ISO will only be comprised of day 2 posts.

I donā€™t think this is the type of question you ask a partner if you are a mafia member at Helenā€™s apparent level. I think they were unaligned when this post was written.

This one could go either way. Iā€™ve seen it a few times, a mafia member pinging a partner in thread and asking them to post.

This is a post where Helen stops herself from giving Jane a townread because she doesnā€™t want to townclear someone right off the bat. Notice the progression from ā€œhas done X, Y, Z towny thing but that one thing was less good, so they are just a townlean.ā€ I think this is more likely to target a villager you do not want to clear, instead of a partner you do not want to obviously align yourself with.

This looks better for Jane. They do not look aligned at all.

I donā€™t think Helen needs all of this justification to join a wagon led by her partner(s). At the time, the wagon composition was the following:

This only serves to further reinforce my townreads on the majority of this wagon. Helen feeling pressured to ISO Ivo before joining the wagon really makes me think the wagon was not mafia-motivated despite targeting the Prince. If the mafia were already pushing there, Helen would probably not try so hard to look reasonable while voting. Especially since she had not done anything of the sort before.

ā€¦When I initially read this post, I saw it as very partnery.

ā€¦I do not understand this read whatsoever. The analysis leading to the conclusion seemed to suggest that the conclusion would be somewhere around ā€œscumlean.ā€ And yet, Helen isā€¦ townleaning Andy? Just because he wrote a good-looking readlist? Helen even acknowledges that there are flaws in that readlist, namely the assessment of Gilbert. I donā€™t really agree with that logic, especially since it came from a mafia member, but Helen expressed plenty of doubt regarding Andy overall.

So why the townlean? It does not seem justified at all. It doesnā€™t match the analysis. Alice said that it was because he struggled with TMI regarding Andy. That said, I believe I agreed with Alice prematurely. I should have read Helenā€™s ISO myself before drawing my conclusions. I wonā€™t make that mistake again.

I think this is definitely something that could be written about a partner. You do not want to make yourself look aligned, so you distance yourself appropriately by questioning them all over; however, since you do not want to make them a target, you twist and turn to make this a townlean.

Itā€™s shoddy, not very well executed, but I donā€™t really expect much from Helen.


Jane looks significantly better based on how Helen approached reading her.
The Ivo wagoners, especially Alice and Nicolas, who were the wagon starters, look even better than they already have.
Andy looks like a potential partner of Helen, based on how she approached reading him. Despite the analysis clearly suggesting a scumlean, Helen found a way to townlean Andy. Itā€™s as if Helen wanted to distance with Andy, but not make him look too bad in the process.

pausing my reading for a minute
yeah it would be nice to know if these ā€œharmlessā€ neutrals but i couldnā€™t bring myself to believe a neut claim even if they did out? whatā€™s stopping scum from seeing that as a one-way ticket to endgaming with little to no suspicion on them?

ā€¦I didnā€™t see this post before ISO-diving. Well. Whatā€™s done is done.
I think we may disagree regarding the Helen spew.

The bad-faith post of yours was the post where you discredited Alice. Obviously, it looks worse in hindsight, but beyond that, I think discrediting is hardly ever something that comes from town.

You have mostly existed in thread without doing much, and in that way, you are similar to Helen. When you did do something, you accused people using logic I completely disagree with, or you talked about mechanics, which is something any semi-competent mafioso should be able to fake.

Overall, you have simply not impressed me. And considering that the crux of my read on Helen was exactly this, and she flipped mafia, thereā€™s no reason to say you canā€™t be mafia too.

Iā€™m likely going to take a small break until we get king maybe a bit faster I will comment on a few things here and there but In general night is used as a small down time a lot. (I wanna relax for a bit and go for a sleep generally ;P)

not saying Iā€™ll refuse to post if needed but ye.

In general we need to keep strong after yesterdays blunder.

I will say I 100% Emma as king and Iā€™ll disagree with anyone stepping who really shouldnā€™t

Do kings step up or does it just auto happen to who you voted?

I think we just vote, nobody ā€œsteps up.ā€

@Ivo_Wake I need a lunch break, but want me to out later?

Wait so might it be best to vote for a royal because obviously evils are going to vote me?

I forgot to close my browser
I got notifications and feel an obligation to reply.

I think itā€™s quite clear what Sarah is softing, which is almost a complete-clear unless they were converted last night, or theyā€™re scum who made a very very subpar mechanical decision (imo, at least).
This doesnā€™t cancel out the fact that I find myself agreeing with Emma though.

Emma and I have almost completely opposite views of Helen spew (minus the Ivo wagoners part) which gives me pause, as we have had very similar mindsets on many other topics.
Though she brings up a very valid point that the Andy ISO could have been done as a form of distancing. We noticed the same things from this ISO but came to different conclusions. To be fair to Emma, a majority of my conclusion is based on gut feeling.
I still donā€™t want Andy lynched today currently.

Iā€™ll just paraphrase my allies preflip analysis in a bit because I find myself getting impatient, and perhaps it can spark up some discussion.

What sucks is that some of my preflip analysis (while the flip was what I expected) is more preflip analysis, but not on Helen, and I donā€™t want to terribly skew/bias how people view the players I mention - hence why I only shared this in allies.

Lets think about it reasonably 2 GS, Nk and 1-2 Neuts ~(lets say 2 to be safe)

That would already be 10 votes for me.

We practically almost have to vote up a royal here to be safe

There are four evils alive at most, unless more than one evil neutral spawned, meaning 8 or 10 votes. With 13 people alive, this makes 9 BD votes to counteract this.
BD still have more votes in most situations.

Since Alice and Edmond donā€™t want to be elected, and I donā€™t trust anyone else enough (except maybe Isabel), I think this should still be the way we go. Frankly, the idea of evils forcing election votes onto the Prince is silly to me and it should not work.

The main problem is that I donā€™t trust any of the Royal claims weā€™ve had so far.

If anyone is voted up who isnā€™t consensus, they can probably just die.

It would be near-suicidal for scum to vote up someone we donā€™t agree on.

Also 3Ps canā€™t coordinate with groupscum.
We should be fine.


Oh I completely misread

We can discuss it. We have time.

Yeah we need a royal to step here 99%

So emma if you arenā€™t a royal lets not vote you understandbly.

I think we might need to vote someone like jane.