SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!


I’m back, but it seems like people have a general strategy figured out?

Everyone welcome our new King.

I assume this should read “if they are the NK”
The answer is
Hosts would tell them?


/vote Gilbert

Dont think they’re notified

As far as I know, NK doesn’t get told if someone tried to occupy them if they’re occ immune.
Anyway no time to waste here /vote Gilbert.

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Vote target Voted by Votes
Gilbert_Lovell Alice_Alard, Isabel_Savage 2/7


Vote target Voted by Votes
Gilbert_Lovell Alice_Alard, Isabel_Savage 2/7
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Peter_Carew, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Andy_Bernard, Sarah_Lacey, Jane_Drayton, Emma_Maison, Thomas_The_Second, Ivo_Wake, Edmond_Bailey 11

my votecount can beat up aretes votecount

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If Gilbert turns out to be BD, we yeet Peter out of the court.
Otherwise, town killers can deal with Peter N3.

kat has a new pfp wow

looks like i was wrong

…kat’s pfp changed while I was posting that

But even then I’m more curious

They knew they were occupied.

Im confused…

There is no mercenary as far I know.
Yet I was unable to investigate my target N1. My target wasn’t jailed.
I thought it was obvious I’m an investigative.

/vote Gilbert


Vote target Voted by Votes
Gilbert_Lovell Alice_Alard, Isabel_Savage, Geoffrey_Bailey 3/7
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Peter_Carew, Mary_Savill, Andy_Bernard, Sarah_Lacey, Jane_Drayton, Emma_Maison, Thomas_The_Second, Ivo_Wake, Edmond_Bailey 10

In other words, deducing that I was occupied is only a matter of adding 2 + 2.

Is the answer 3

Yeah I don’t have the best logic here

since I was really lazy and forgot to write logs here

I am chrono

N1 warped emma to peter

N2 warped ivo to sarah

considering there was was 1 N2 kill missing it could be the warp? really low chance tho

There weren’t any missing night kills as far as we can tell.
Helen was killed by the Prince, another was NK kill and now we know for sure 1 of the kills was by Cult Leader.

the king was butler kill probably

helen was prince kill

nic was NK/Cult

king could be NK kill but I doubt

and maybe cult did not kill?

but thats why it’s low chance

Hmmm if a Butler were to come forward and say they killed the King, that would confirm we’re missing a night kill.
Yet no butler has come forward as they are a vanilla townie now.

I mean king was consensus scum I dont see cult killing him the only way I see is could be NK trying to confirm themselves