SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

as butler

I feel like we should be focusing on finding the CL today

Like I think we can win this by d4 if we play our cards right. We lynch CL, execute the NK, and occupy the convert tonight (or have town killers on the convert). We can win by d4 if we do this right. Donā€™t screw this chance up

The first step should be setting up a CL PoE

Unless we occupy/Jail the CL N3, someone else is getting converted and another eradicated as they successfully converted/eradicated N1.

I suppose you have a point there. Iā€™m just taking Helenā€™s progression on Jane as something more likely to happen when she is analyzing a townie than a mafioso.

This is very uninspiring. I think you die today.

What makes you say that?

Edmond and Alice have explained it, but I didnā€™t see you explaining it.

Iā€™m not sure what to think about Mary selfvoting.

I think that Jane becoming King would be acceptable from my perspective, but Alice seems to agree on Helen spew, soā€¦ I suppose it would be controversial.

I have many questions, but at a glance, this seems slightly more likely to come from a townie than a mafioso.

Agreed with both.

Do you think Jane could be mafia?

/vote Gilbert_Lovell

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All Iā€™m going to say is give gilbert exe some time so people can use their day actions.

Ive aready done my Imprison dw abput that

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Weā€™ll know Jane is confirmed starting Noble if Gilbert flips BD and we have another yeet available.
Only 3 votes away from finding out.

The idea is to find and lynch the CL today and if we get lucky we can occupy the convert tonight

yea thats why I voted

I did few posts

/vote gilbert

I thought Andy had partner equity with Helen, but it looks more like Andy NK.
Maybe Alice was right about Jane? In that case, weā€™ve just made a huge mistake.

congratulations King Jane! may you lead us well and not get Allies treed or a GT wasted.
skimming what iā€™ve missed, we have a Chrono claim, an Alchemist claim, and a likely bounty vote on gilbert.
emma would you mind clarifying what mistake exactly?

Iā€™ll take a look how other players have treated Helen, instead of how Helen has treated other players.
I am inclined to clear Isabel for the push on Helen unless it was an attempted bus. I suppose that Helen was bussable, given how frozen she was.

Well, if Alice is right and Janeā€™s partner equity with Helen isnā€™t false, then weā€™ve just elected a Cult King.

Donā€™t forget we have the sus as heck Noble claim Peter.
Who probably should be dealt with by town killers N3.

when I flip blue if day ends we will know he is scum

not like they can do much as king if they were cult anyway


Vote target Voted by Votes
Gilbert_Lovell Alice_Alard, Isabel_Savage, Geoffrey_Bailey, Emma_Maison, Gilbert_Lovell 5/7
Not Voting Peter_Carew, Mary_Savill, Andy_Bernard, Sarah_Lacey, Jane_Drayton, Thomas_The_Second, Ivo_Wake, Edmond_Bailey 8

iā€™m definitely going to have to go back and look for where alice said this, this isā€¦not helping my confidence levels right now.
that being said, should i cast my vote now or wait for morning for extra discussion if gilbert either flips scum or isnā€™t bountied?

Definitely donā€™t quick hammer Gilbert as we need discussion time to scum hunt.

I think these posts have some partner equity with Helen. ā€œI will vote Helen if neededā€ but not voting her, avoiding making a read on Helen by saying ā€œI donā€™t remember,ā€ then shifting the read on Helen alongside thread consensus instead of independent progression.

Conclusion: I could see Peter being mafia with Helen.

Iā€™ll go through everyone alive for the sake of thoroughness.