SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

also jane isnt necassarily scum if days ends after my lynch they could’ve been RB’d

Gorta tree.

But anyway, well, I am back from doing stuff now.

Reading it right now, I am really not sure why Gilbert is keen on trying to vote out himself for whatever hecking random reason.

She is practically just doing nothing at D1 so that is why I at first just tell them to post more. Though you are right though, on d2, I basically wasn’t really reading her…she is just kinda forgettable.

I refuse to read whatever Thomas 1 may have written about Helen. Sue me.

Thomas never really liked Helen at all. There is one bolded part which I find unlikely to be posted about your mafia partner, because it calls attention to something the thread has not noticed and is unlikely to notice or care about. Basically, making your partner look worse for no reason, using something the thread has largely (or completely) forgotten about.

I don’t take issue with Thomas’ progression on Helen at all.

Conclusion: I find Thomas unlikely to be Helen’s partner. There is nothing questionable that makes me suspect them being a mafia pair, and there is that one post to consider which came from Helen and made Thomas look unaligned with her. I mentioned that post earlier.

On Thomas’ end, he leans toward being unaligned with Helen as well. All in all, Thomas is most likely not Helen’s mafia partner.

Now that I am going through with this, I really would have rather elected Thomas over Jane. He looks likely to be unaligned with Helen, and hasn’t been very scummy this game, meanwhile Jane has looked scummy and leans toward being aligned.

Well, I suppose this is still fixable somewhere down the line.


I shouldn’t in theory be occupied if Helen was jailed and executed on N2, unless cult has converted someone that could occupy me.

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also first thomas still has like 2x posts than person with second largest post count

I lost my post about Isabel because I clicked the Discord icon next to the search icon by accident. Annoying.

Nevertheless, Isabel and Helen look very much unaligned. Isabel has always openly disliked Helen, voted Helen, called Helen frozen and trying to go UTR, even called Helen’s mafia flip before it happened and helped me wagon her during day 2.

Unless it was a hardbus from the start, Isabel is just not aligned with Helen. And I don’t take issue with Isabel’s progression on Helen, either. She even wrote a post to Helen which gave her a chance, but unlike Geoffrey’s posts, it was just one post and it sounded better to me.

Overall, Helen’s red flip is one of the strongest arguments for Isabel being town, unless she was converted exactly last night, which is unlikely.

Or if theres a reaper/sellsword/merc


So much mech
There are always a million possibilities

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I mean look at it this way aslong as they aren’t a psychopathic king we should be fine.

Heck them being cult king if converted or something screws over cult if we get them today so I’m more then happy.

Who you using allies on tonight?

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King doesn’t even have a double vote worst they can do is a annoying last minute GT which will instently out them as ek.

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are you sure about that

Well yeah I am if kings bad enough to make the same mistake as alan I don’t have hope for this world

This post in particular deserves a comment, because it’s an excellent look for Alice. Alice is preventing me from misclearing Helen by calling my post about Helen dumb. That is something a mafioso seldom does to a partner, if at all. Especially when it comes to a mafioso like Helen, the only thing they can do is fly under the radar, and in that post, Alice prevented me from letting Helen fly under the radar.

Helen being null within Alice’s readlist is the only thing that strikes me as odd, but it makes sense considering Alice procrastinated on reading Helen.
That said, her snapreads on Helen’s posts in the micro spectrum pretty much always ended with Alice scumreading Helen, so that is a good look.
Alice has never really liked Helen overall, and her reaction to Helen’s red flip was one of the better ones I have seen in the thread.

Conclusion: I think Alice is unlikely to be aligned with Helen. There are several posts Alice wrote which simply do not suggest it, and one post in particular, aimed at me, makes them very unlikely to be together. Theoretically, Alice could have been converted night 1, and that is why she never committed to reading Helen herself on day 2… but that is a theory I will put on the backburner for now, because it looks suspiciously like tinfoil.

Overall, I think Alice is less likely to be aligned with Helen than multiple other players.

Ivo is not aligned with Helen for obvious reasons.
Two players left.

You should probably do this for me as well. I’m not going to analyze myself.


I did eventually get to doing Helen analysis
But it was in allies

I helped Prince dunk on them
Felt good.

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Andy has froze up pretty much at least they haven’t done anything to remedy the situation

From what I saw Ivo post, Helen did not even say a word in jail.
I would be criticizing Helen right now if she flipped town, but it seems she really was in cryostasis as mafia.

Can confirm alice in that.

If you wanna make a summary of it or post it here that’s fine I can confirm it for you though

I execute andy here.

I think we should exe gilbert around another 12 hours so it gives us time if he flips bd but 12 hours also gives players time to submit day actions

There isn’t much, to be frank. Edmond’s consistent suspicion on Helen is a good look. You could theoretically call Edmond Helen’s partner, because he never really commits to anything regarding Helen. That said, Edmond looks more like a… merciful townie, if that makes sense. I haven’t seen Edmond really commit to scumreading and pushing anyone, so his treatment of Helen does not really stand out.

Correct me if I’m wrong.

Conclusion: Based on the evidence in the thread, Edmond is Helen’s potential partner. However, I personally don’t think that is the case, because of how Edmond has been approaching the game as a whole. His treatment of Helen does not strike me as different from his treatment of many other players in this game.