SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

If you were going to belive one, I would want it to be the jane read.

I think if you get their on Jane the worlds kinda fall into place


Yeah the check is from the dead cult who checked whatever their name is as K/OI

also lol PoE

So you are saying that the cabalist just checked Andyā€™s class type on N1.

But then why didnā€™t Helen out herself as princess to defend herself, and why would Mary reveal it today if the result was indeed from the dead cult?

Iā€™m more interested in trying to find the CL.
Jane is mech confirmed not starting CL by bounty.
If anything Jane can only ever be converted to cult as Helen is pretty much confirmed starting cult socially.
Itā€™s not the most likely scenario in my mind, though Iā€™ll keep that in mind.

Helen was jailed N2, so the cabalist couldā€™ve only actioned once.

The would have had to out as Alch due to limited checks and well


basically they didnā€™t have a good fakeclaim to out the info, so they decided to have mary out the check for towncred

Im saying that interactions with a converted jane point hard to mary as CL

Whatā€™s your point

I still think that based on all the other players its like just Mary

if its not mary CL is in hella deep

Helen/Mary couldā€™ve outed the check D2 for towncred though.

Especially with Nicolas claiming to have tracked Andy.

I was saying that Helen giving out her info for Mary to use 2 night later just doesnā€™t seems plausible.

Who else is CL then?

Unless Helen/Mary deliberately tries to not out the NK that early in the game, that is.


I donā€™t really know for now, but what I am saying that Mary being CL just doesnā€™t seems that plausible.

so what are your reads then


stop dissapearing

I was fricking walking toward the library.



Emma Maison
Mary Savill

Sarah Lacey




This is the solve I had in mind if you replace Mary with your slot.

And this feels suspiciously like TMI

You didnā€™t know Geoffrey was jailed n1
You didnā€™t know Andy was checked / by whom
You havenā€™t read how Helen died
You didnā€™t know that Jane is now King
You didnā€™t know Gilbert was yeeted
You didnā€™t comment on anyone elseā€™s claims / mechanical info, and you jump immediately to Jane being fake
Is this distancing or are you TMIā€™ing Jane as a villager?
D2 sure felt like a bus.

Actually now that I think about it - this is technically not true, as the remaining cult could be a n1 Nopostle, and they simply claimed the bounty in their stead.
However I think this isnā€™t the case and if Jane is cult, they were indeed converted.
Just remember that confirms arenā€™t always confirms in a game of mech-fuckery.

Why didnā€™t either of them claim it d2 to get Helen off the stand and make Andy the lynch target?

This does give me pause though. GTH the way Mary claimed Alchemist was villagery and read as genuine, but Iā€™m now considering other worlds.

Jane and Peter, have either of you used Court Spies at all this game?
I havenā€™t seen either of you mention the ability. :confused:

Be back in a little bit.