SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Mary can still be starting cult

do not clear someone for lynching scum of a different alignemnt

trust me, its a bad plan

now lets talk about what you dont see from a town POV on my slot

Took this to mean you didnā€™t know Geoffrey was jailed n1. ^

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Ah yes because I did the jane iso the second I subbed into the game not after I already looked at a few other slots yeah?

Notice how I asked all the stuff before comming to the conclusion jane is a convert??!

If anyone has a redcheck, now is the time to out it.

Alright. So town do scummy shit all the time.
Do you see a world where Jane isnā€™t just a Noble who fucked up?
Or a world where Mary isnā€™t just an Alchemist who fucked up?
Where would you look outside of them? What other teams make sense to you?

I just find it peculiar that everything you have said so far just makes me more certain I have the correct solve.
I might be too far into this tunnel and confbiasing myself into scumreading everything you say because of how much I disliked the previous player in your slot.

Iā€™m going to chillax for a bit and try to think about this objectively.

I canā€™t really see any other worlds withought it just being a super deep wolf.

Ozzcams razor or some shit like that says its just jane

idk if im using that right

I dont fully understand it

I canā€™t say much about the previous player in my slot, but if you could read the slot off just me lol

I just skimmed the ISO of my previous slot and uh

yeah I can see why youre at where you are right know


are you dipping from thread for now or are you willing to converse with me

I have some irl things I have to take care of, so Iā€™ll be multitasking

But Iā€™m here partially.
Whatā€™s up.

talk to me about why you dont like my slot?

Im not the other people in my slot but I can do my best to walk thru their actions

Its been almost an hour and Im tired imma give it a few more min and then imma head to bed. Ill respond in the morning in that case

If a majority is not reached sooner, the day will end when the topic is autobumped

Itā€™s not autolocking because katā€™s not a mod but might be the only one around for EoD, but donā€™t talk after it gets bumped


The first player in your slot had a very weak start, which put them on my radar. They barely existed during d1. They posted 10 times.
Hard to read a player who isnā€™t posting. I responded to them in an attempt to prod them into posting more, but they didnā€™t.
This made me want to watch out for them the following day to make sure they pick up the slack.

Player 2 comes in on day 2 with what felt like a very opportunistic bounty claim on Thomas.
Aka, it felt fake.
Thomas was replaced earlier in the day, and never the lynch there, and the fact that your slot didnā€™t claim their bounty until 12h into the day was nagl.

Emma did a very large post on Player 2 which I found myself agreeing a lot. It seemed like they were attempting to appeal to me quite a bit, and caught up on the game through my ISO, rather than justā€¦ reading everything. I then tried to get them to read the game start to finish with old-Thomas muted and they (basically) said ā€œnah.ā€

I just realized the beginning of Emmaā€™s post sounds like the opening line of a FM soap opera.

When reading through Player 2ā€™s bigass post on Jane, I found myself agreeing that Jane had scum equity, but at the same time, I didnā€™t feel comfortable voting there, as Player 2ā€™s push felt like it was in bad faith. You can expand and read the entire post if you wish, but Iā€™ve quoted the 3 things that gave me pause:

In response to A and B above, Player 2 said they canā€™t be bothered to expand outside of their push on Jane and look at other players, and when I asked them to make a wallpost on the other players in their PoE just like they did with Jane, they never responded. I pinged them multiple times about this and gave them more than enough opportunities.

The quotes fucked up but you get the idea.

Overall, your slot was extremely focused on a single player for the entirety of d2, and never expanded their boundaries to look outside of Jane. Felt extremely bad-faith to me, as it was a scum-case, rather than an objective view of Janeā€™s alignment, and he didnā€™t push for Janeā€™s death as much as Iā€™d expect from someone who is so completely sure of someone (Jane) being a wolf.

Overnight in allies, I shared my theory with King/Prince that was very preflippy (hence why I saved it for allies), and came to the conclusion that the push from Player 2 had signs of being w/w with Jane. This has been skewing how I view both slots, for sure.

Today, Player 2 had another bounty claim that seemed extremely fake. Thomas sums up my thoughts pretty well:

After looking for spew from Helen, there was one portion that made me raise an eyebrow, but nothing extremely incriminating.

After reading through Emmaā€™s analysis of how people interacted with Helen, I found myself agreeing that there was potential for your slot to be partnered with them:

Needless to say, I canā€™t just ignore everything the previous players in your slot have done.

Theirs not much I can say about this other than

  1. post count is NAI
  2. they were busy lol

Again I canā€™t say much about this other than my slot was bust, as well as it was the first plater who submited the action not the second

Villagers tunnel one person all the time I donā€™t think its especially AI

Iā€™ve gotta head out for a little bit.
Iā€™ll respond later on.

the bounty was real but not much I can do to prove that now