SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

like 3/4 of your read is just that you think mech stuff may have been faked and they didnt post a lot

You spent way too long on this wall for the conclusions it reached lmao

Postcount might be NAI, sure
But the content of said posts surely isnā€™t.
All of the 10 posts they made contributed nothing to the thread. They merely had a naked read with no reasoning.
This is barely even part of the reason why I dislike your slot - it just got me to keep an eye on them and make sure they provide worthwhile content. (Spoiler alert, they didnā€™t)


I think itā€™s AI when a player spends an entire day focused on a single individual and refuses to look outside of that one person.
You shouldnā€™t want to be in a tunnel.

There are differences between a villager in a tunnel and a wolf pushing agenda, and it reeked of the latter.

Yeah fuck this
I spent an hour collecting every piece of evidence I personally have against your slot, writing a summary of my thoughts for each portion so you donā€™t have to go out of your way to expand and read every post in itā€™s entirety, organizing it, boxing it, and tying a neat little bow
And youā€™re telling me I spent too long on it for the conclusions it reached, as well as brushing off a majority of my arguments, claiming that I merely think youā€™re scum because ā€œmech stuff may have been faked and they didnā€™t post a lot.ā€

Give me the last Peter back.
Iā€™d like to actually be able to talk to the player I scumread about why I scumread them and have them be able to answer.
This is bull.

Youā€™re right that this might have been a waste of time, if the only goal was to get you to respond to these points
But at least now people can see why I feel this way about your slot.

Thread is dead

Game is boring

Ping me if youā€™re around and want to talk.

@Alice_Alard I think youā€™re right that unless someone has a red check on a better target, Peter should be yeeted today.

iā€™d love to talk if anyone is still here. a large reason iā€™d scumread peter though is because he had seemingly frozen and vanished which seemed like the behaviour of a caught wolf. i see now though that most of that was replacement issues (which i will no longer mention).
this isnā€™t to say that i donā€™t think peter should be the yeet, i do. just pointing out that this particular reason isnā€™t valid here.

Unless you have a better target to execute Edmond, I donā€™t see why it should be anyone else except Peter today.

oh i absolutely think he should i was just reading and had a thought i wanted to share.
the plan is still to jailexe andy after this, no? their post did make me question a few things and tied in to what i had been thinking of mary and her Princess claim earlier. iā€™d like to talk to @Ivo_Wake about this whenever you see the ping.
i believe thereā€™s a wolf between mary/andy obviously and i do still think andy has more wolf equity but iā€™d like to discuss this with the Prince themselves.
is there anything youā€™d like to discuss though isabel?

Yeah the plan is that Andy is getting Prince axed tonight.
As much as I donā€™t like pre flips, who do we think is convert if Peter is the CL?
Weā€™re going for anyone who is associated with Peter if weā€™re in a world where Peter is starting CL.

i already presented my theory about emma being the N1 convert, though i hadnā€™t considered this in relation to a CL!Peter world. iā€™ll read peterā€™s iso again though pre-replacement specifically and see what conclusions i can draw (even though he barely spoke).
while weā€™re on the topic of WIFOMing a convert though, i understand if people disregard this and just scumhunt normally i do like to consider who is most likely to be converted and why. convert hunting is a specialized form of scumhunting and as such imo requires a level of WIFOM here. it worked in FoL30 with Paradox and caught the converter as well.

In my personal opinion, we should flip Andy here and jail Peter.
For a few reasons:

  1. I think Peter is more likely to be scum
  2. Mary/Andy likely has one wolf. Iā€™m flip-floppy on which one of them it is. (I guess it could be both of them but Iā€™m too tired to get into that world of thought)

Flip Andy, and if hes town, killers/offensives deal with Mary overnight

Andyā€™s defense against Mary is valid, and Mary has yet to respond. It gives me pause on using Prince axes there.

Idk i feel like im missing something big but this is just my personal opinion on the Plan :tm:

I wonā€™t move wagons unless Prince agrees and confirms who they have jailed, though.

this specifically is what i was thinking. iā€™d like to see maryā€™s response to andy before making a more concrete conclusion on which is scum but i know thatā€™s unlikely to happen while iā€™m awake.
i feel comfortable with this wagon for now but resolving this ā€œthunderdomeā€ with the lynch and jailing peter instead gives Prince a safer chance of axeing scum here.

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iā€™m taking the like + no typing as a sign youā€™re going to sleep now, gn alice.
again if anyone else is here (@Isabel_Savage) i am more than happy to discuss things.

I sleep eyes hurt i be back like later.

I think we still kill peter here.

i think the flip andy/jail peter argument has valid points though.
i am extremely happy to see you, but could you explain why you think this is a better option when you can?

Yeah lets jail peter flip andy

Changing my vote in a sec

lurking since i saw prince typing

/vote Andy


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that was aā€¦very quick decision? iā€™m not complaining as i think this is the right move but that was definitely quick lol

Why u voting andy

Oh wait nvm