SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I do plan to look at the remaining alive players today, but I am likely only going to give my conclusion because I am tired and don’t really feel like making a detailed ISO from 200 posts. I would be down to make a more detailed ISO later on, but for now it’s not happening

If Alice has been converted, she is excellent at keeping up appearances, because I don’t think she sounds noticeably different from the previous days when she was alive.

I hope SF is on a living player in case the CL isn’t jailed tonight.

I only saw stuff on Thomas, a few ISOs and I suppose those are spew, but that’s already been said. I want to look for stuff others might have missed.

Like what?

Over half of Edmond’s ISO was on day 1. Day 2 and day 3 combined have fewer posts than day 1.
Sort by postcount, become werewolf expert.
Obviously, I’m not going to call Edmond mafia based on just this flimsy evidence, but it’s something I wanted to check to see if I had been incorrect.

Except not really, since this is more like “check postcount decreases, become convert Hunter.”

Looks like my return to the thread is greeted by this
…yeah sorry about that one
I was on multiple times, but didnt really want to so anything. Seemed like things were decently solved with mech.
…lazy ass here.

…now its sleep time, will do reads near eod

I have read the entire thread though, AMA for the next 10 or so minutes

I love how you couldn’t write anything about Sarah, because there has been next to nothing in her entire ISO consistently throughout the game.

I honestly think this could be more neutral indicative than mafia indicative, but non-BD is still non-BD, and we have already had one lowposting, frozen mafioso.

And by the way, I acknowledge your medical issues, Edmond. I’m just stating facts. No hard feelings.

I had a read on Isabel, but it was too low effort in my opinion. I did have a town read, but I want to put in the effort to make a better ISO tomorrow when I have more rest.

Try “demotivated”
Or “extremely guilty of doing this instead of things one should be doing”

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You might not have the time. We have 8 hours left.

I don’t know, those interactions have been combed over, but I do want to try and take a look myself

I know, which is why this is getting pushed until d4

If we’re extremely lucky (no converts and perfect wagoned player / executed-in-jail player), the game might not go to day 4. I would love that.

But until then, we have to keep going. Don’t stop analyzing.

I understandably can’t tell the difference, and I think you are not BD either way.

I know that and that’s what I said earlier

It’s 4 AM I am going to sleep. Screw this right now, if I am up before the EoD I will make those ISOs

Well, the new plan sounds good by me as I have the same idea of letting Peter get jailed and we flip Andy here first.

We probably need to push onto Sarah/Edmond tomorrow though, as they are pretty much not doing anything at all today.

Yeah I gave my thoughts I’m probs not gonn be back I’m not going to bother getting invested in trying to break the tunnel of a bunch of villagers and wolves

I court spied marry so they won’t be able to communicate with their convert tmorrow glgl

/Vote Peter

Let’s use prince axe on redcheck tho yeah?