SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!


this got me thinking
…people know Alan’s anti-convert target

and if it is Alice like I think it might be
then Alice is either perfectly clear or starting scum

and I don’t think they’re starting scum, at least less likely than mary here

Emma also mentioned town reading you but I think that’s pretty standard

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when have i shown much town interest ever

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Your thought-process is so hippity-hoppity I almost think it has to come from a villager lmfao

I’m only paraphrasing and going of my skimm reading so mind me a bit I’ll go into more detail tomorrow if no one gets quick voted

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Don’t get me wrong

if it’s not mary you’re next up
but i think mary’s more scummy than you

I like alice they’re cool, I’m going to be sad if Thomas was right all along.

Honestly though I have some faith in alice especially knowing that they aren’t the n1 convert… Just got hope n3 convert wasn’t a thing

I’m confident I can convince you I’m a villager by the end of this day, if you are indeed town.

I’m not too worried.

I’ve been working on a solve for… almost 10h, and I’m feeling good about what I’ve come up with so far.
Just want to interact with everyone a bit more before I get ahead of myself.

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Looking forward to it :eyes:

We have a PoE of 4 where 3 are evil, I think we can deal decently with it…

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do you just get more paranoid every time i talk to you


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I do think Geoffrey or Alice was a high priority convert but I actually was talking to this with emma… So maybe they changed it to something like thomas I’m guessin?

Psychology emma would know I wasnt too keen on edmond, but I’d be expecting a Geoffrey or Alice convert and the way that they were pushing sarah for a push makes them seem to not be converted

I’m a bit tired and over thinking this honestly

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Fuck it,
I’m posting what I have on Sarah.

I’m inclined to believe Sarah is just spewed non-Cult based on how adamant Emma was that they need to die while in allies. (Since that’s apparently what happened).

Emma was riding the towncred from the attempted bus on Helen, has been consistently towncored throughout the entirety of the game, and has been in a position to powerwolf by pocketing yours truly :upside_down_face: . Without the mechanical information that they have been converted, they absolutely would have taken their place in leading the thread today. She could push any agenda she wanted. She was trusted enough to be put in allies for heck’s sake.

Cult don’t win by bussing today.

What do they gain from it?

More towncred?

(Yes, I understand that they now have to bus today, because of the red on Emma. But it was absolutely not the play as of last night).

Without the missing nightkill we would probably be at 7 players alive, and that’s likely what Cult were playing for. That’s 2 or 3 Cultists.

Let’s assume it’s 2 just for the hell of it.


Why would you ever bus your teammate in this situation?

Your chances of winning become slimmer and your chances of being caught increase. You need NK or BD out today. They’re more likely looking to get rid of the former. NK is unpredictable and 7 players alive could become 4 very quickly depending on which NK randed, and some NKs win at 4p.

Now, let’s assume its 3 Cultists alive.


You’re nearly at parity. You just need NK out and a nightkill.
They likely think Sarah is NK.

Emma on Sarah:

Their only post d1. No alignment read is stated but you can infer she at least lightly townread Sarah.

Then on d2.

Shade and slight progression towards a scumlean/read.

Emma doesn’t mention the slot again for the rest of the day.

Emma goes from liking Sarah’s earlygame posts at EoD1, to pointing out issues with them on d3.


This also gave me a thought, though it isn’t a very reliable one.

If Emma found it easy enough to pocket me (because, let’s be real, it’s pretty easy to) it’s fairly likely that the remaining Cult have also done so. I have a very strong thread-presence, and I’ve been actively attempting to lead and solve.

They know I’ve been on the wrong track
They would absolutely take advantage of this. It’s exactly why I’m alive right now.
This makes me want to look into Mary and Thomas more.

Mary very randomly started townreading me at the end of yesterday, and Thomas has been buddy-buddy with me for the entirety of the match.

And this:

This does not match up.

Pretty sure Sarah is just V.

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And if Sarah isn’t V
They’re NK.

They just aren’t Cult imho

I will I’m just worried honestly not much I can do I’ve tried to play this to the best of my ability but I feel like I’ve failed and I’m paranoid with working with town because I cant trust anyone.

I don’t think we win games with being passive or disfunctional though.

So GL hopefullyno randkm shit happens while I’m gone.

Not to poke holes in your townread of me
Or rather, to do exactly that:

Both were extremely common behavior until the claim.

You see, unlike a certain someone, I don’t like being pocketed :^)

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I’m saying that Emma has shit progression on you, basically.

The majority of my argument for you being non-Cult comes from how Cult should play today (not bus), and how Cult have likely been playing throughout the game (pocketing me).

I understand this entire read is from my perspective, and my perspective only.
I don’t expect you to accept it completely, especially since you have deepwolf paranoia.

But tbh idc
I’m just tryina win

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