SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I think the wolves are just Mary/Sarah, but I don’t know which is which.

I’m heavily leaning Sarah NK.

Also I’ll just post what i was working on, in a sec
I don’t think it’ll be very useful but shrug
Dunno what else to do

What are your thoughts?

my thoughts were Mary/Sarah as the scum as well
Sarah literally openwolfed
Mary’s “redcheck” i can’t find a logical explanation for

it’s not like i trust Thomas, i just distrust the other two more if that makes sense.

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No those are my exact thoughts

So here’s the deal.

I’m not confident in my ability to differentiate between who is NK and who is the other villager this way, but we should theoretically be able to find the Cult Leader socially, rather than relying entirely on this shitshow of mechsolving. Sure, mech can be a part of our read, that’s fine, but this is FM, not action-submitting simulator.
We already know that some people are lying about mechanics. Whatever. I’m relatively certain that the two are wolves based on mech alone (lolbleed, lolframe), but I don’t know if you’re NK or CL.

I want you to case the person you think is most likely to be CL. Include mech and social reads. idc
Go bonkers
It’ll be conf-biased as all hell, but I don’t care tbh.
It’s endgame, and I need to see everyone’s thought-processes, no matter how tunneled 'n shit you are. What makes this person a wolf? What makes you a villager?
Put as much or as little effort into it as you want. I can’t force you to do anything.

I feel like we’ve lost at this point, and I’m feeling defeated and exhausted. So I want y’all to convince everyone that you shouldn’t die here.

I don’t know what else to do.
May the odds be ever in your favor or some crap.




You do this as well.

Thomas the Second

hi I’m back
As previously noted I am leaning towards Mary CL/Thomas multi-kill NK

or maybe we have possessor and cult failed their converts and we have only NK to worry about, that’s a possibility even though my brain hurts to much to consider it

…it appears I did not help my situation much with my feeble attempt at a joke

yeah this was useless

i don’t know what i expected tbh
2 of thomas/sarah/mary are the NK/CL
of these mary is the “suspected CL” and sarah is the “suspected NK”
so of course these answers are gonna be obvious

I wanted some juicy wallposts to dissect but


I think we’re at a standstill

this is what i feared
isabel is your motorcycle still availiable

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who do you want in Allies with you?

Depends on who we yeet today i guess

Tbh i dont know
I dont think it matters all that much

There’s not much “planning” to be had.
I guess Thomas?
We can share memes before my inevitable demise

well, if Mary is an Alchemist then i suppose not?

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i would be honored to share memes with you though

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So I take it you want to flip Sarah today?

I’m still trying to weigh the pros and cons of everything but I’m so exhausted

that’s what i’m thinking? if Mary is actually Alchemist we can win but this redcheck has me all kinds of confused so maybe not?

in short


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questions before I go to sleep

  1. Is EoD in half a day or a day and a half
  2. When do you want to have EoD

i think it’s a day and a half?
i could be wrong though i often am