SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

i too must go
to a piano lesson

Keep in mind this is a snap read

I dislike this post, mainly because Geoffrey literally said that they were going to read the thread, and obviously they wouldnā€™t have many reads before theyā€™veā€¦ well, yā€™know, read.

Cya later.
I hope it goes well.

I like this post. Donā€™t misconstrue what Iā€™m saying/said. I am not saying ā€œthis post sucks lmao delete itā€, I was simply saying that we already have enough garbage to sift through in future ISOs, no need to add extra mis-content to that pile. I do like the fact that youā€™re taking the time to flesh out your read on me. +1 point to Ravenclaw Alice_Alard.

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I feel like Iā€™m procrastinating when it comes to reading Emmaā€™s posts. Not sure why.

I agree with this. I also made a small list of players who continued to interact with Thomas in a non meaningful way when the consensus decision was to ignore him and focus on other things. Iā€™m going to jump back to earlier in the thread and compile these useless interactions.

This felt way too quick, when I saw it.
I barely had time to read half of Emmaā€™s post in detail before this was posted.
Unfortunately not completely AI - it just makes me want to keep an eye on this player.

I disagree with this take - or, I at least think you may be taking it too far. I think this is more likely to come from a villager, but I am also not reading heavily into this as itā€™s very easy to fake this post, especially sinceā€¦ wellā€¦ disliking Thomasā€™ behavior is old news. Pretty sure even wolves donā€™t appreciate his lack of respect.

I donā€™t have an immediate ā€œi agree/disagreeā€ with this, since Iā€™m mixing people up in my head. I will get back to you on this one after I re-familiarize myself with the slot
I do remember mentally noting that this player continued to talk to Thomas (and not in a meaningful way) after many of us stated we would be ignoring him

This is dumb.
But this feels like something I would say.

Youā€™re pointing things out that Iā€™ve overlooked, and making good points from them. I rather appreciate your insight thusfar. I find myself agreeing with this, and your next post on Geoffrey.

I really like Emma so far.
Very much so.
Their thought-process is so transparent and they are bringing new takes that I didnā€™t even consider, but find myself agreeing with, or at least understanding how they came to those conclusions.
And Iā€™m already feeling the pocketing paranoia, but Iā€™m going to shrug that off for a while.


If you townread everyone, you can only be wrong six times.ā„¢

I can see why it would seem to be too quick fypov.
That was my 1st impression of Emma this game.

Meh fair enough I would likely try to argue your reasoning but makes sense for a early read.

It makes sense to change him from normal anyway.


Asks permission (?) to ignore Thomas. I took this to mean they were going to stop interacting with the slot. Then they continue to do so anyways:

Not following their own advice. This post feels like theyā€™re trying to fit in. ^

Iā€™m done quoting all of these. There are a lot more, if you want to look for yourself.
They also have a lot of posts that arenā€™t to Thomas, but are about Thomas - and notā€¦ useful. Itā€™s another way to produce posts, but not content.

Total Posts = 113
(Non-meaningful) posts to Thomas: 20
(Non-meaningful) posts about Thomas: 22

While some of their posts to/about Thomas feel genuine - like their frustration and anger at the toxic comments from him, it can come from either alignment.
This player spends a majority of the time in thread focused on a single individual (who is very obviously trying to bait people into wasting time on him), and there is barely any real solving in their ISO. They have a lot of posts but barely any content.

This is a W-lean for me currently

Will get to Nicolas soon (and I will probably also re-read that portion of the game as Iā€™m sure I missed things).
Gotta blast for now.

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GTH Alice calling out my read on Emma as ā€œtoo quickā€ makes more sense coming from a villager than a wolf.
Also the way Alice is solving and analysing people doesnā€™t seem forced and looks genuine to me.
Iā€™m town leaning Alice.

but the top poster says they are scum they must be

I might just mute that guy if he doesnā€™t shut up itā€™s making it hell to go through posts
I actually see Them flip sellsword here I donā€™t see anyone doing this as a town play personally.

I guess Iā€™ve seen worse town plays in my life but seriously wtf

alright alright, iā€™m back much to everyoneā€™s disappointment
i canā€™t deny that you have a good point Alice, i kept interacting with him far longer than i should have. if a person asks questions, itā€™s my immediate nature to respond and try and be as helpful as possible. of course this doesnā€™t clear me by any means, itā€™s an explanation rather than an excuse.

Sarah Lacey


Generic long winded opener I feel like this is NAI for obvious reasons

Iā€™ve likely over did it with my frustration a bit because of how annoying and time wastey it is I actually think it would be more scummy to be just frustrated over it all the time or at least sheepy.

Donā€™t be demotivated and lets start progression

Overall Null, Apart of POE (4 posts meh hopefully they do more)

I have to things to do now, but I will be back soon. @Emma_Maison I feel like we got off on the wrong foot and I want to talk to you more when I get the chance. Iā€™ll do some analyzing when I get back.

a short catch up post

I used to think d1 doesnā€™t matter, but it does. Anyone not playing d1 will likely get PoEā€™d and if they arenā€™t something easily confirmable then they will be easy cannon fodder for the scum team.

You donā€™t have to go into detail, just do it. Actions always speak louder than words. This is a lesson I have had to learn as well, but just do it and donā€™t procastinate.

Thomas feels pretty pure to me. To elaborate, I think his/her tone screams newb town trying to get people to listen to them.

I think we should focus on getting the scum out of the game. I honestly wouldnā€™t people casing their reads this game.

Itā€™s likely they wonā€™t get night killed or converted if town, so itā€™s probably wise to issue an ultimatum to Thomas. He stops fluffposting and starts making actual reads or dies soon. Thatā€™s my final stance on Thomas. I am willing to give him a chance to improve d2.

I am better at finding townies out of the PoE and I am trying to improve my leadership

First impressions are that the king is probably good here. They start solving out of the gate and mostly ignore the Thomas stuff. +town points in my opinion

shoutout to simpleflips

I just did that and it made the thread less hell to go through

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Isabel (what a savage)


We should look into both factors of the argument scums not always going to be bussing but sometimes they might need to gain some trust look at the reasoning behind the push instead of just the actual push itself. (Easier said then done) Nai opener but like it

Iā€™m struggling to find this as a Town play my guess would only be Sellsword the more likely reasoning is due to bad play imo.

Agreed likely I think Iā€™ve seen this opening but Iā€™ll give it another look when Iā€™m looking at them.

Another read with solid early reasoning

Overall small poster but they seem like they want to push out early reads, I wanna see where this goes for now

Small town lean (could be apart of poe depending on how things turn out)



No real strong opener nai

Meh you really havenā€™t done much to encourage it beyond this point, easy to point out but Iā€™d like you to not do what you say.

(Only non-Thomas post)
Makes sense Iā€™m fine with this

Pretty null apart of poe