SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I’m going to try to sum up my thoughts on Susan. They are slightly skewed as I think I mostly happen to dislike their posting style and attitude rather than the content in their posts. And I’m honestly unsure how to put these thoughts into words, so this will be… probably hard to understand.

First post is fine. Parrots the consensus opinion to stop talking about Thomas - which could be a villager genuinely wanting people to stop discussing him, or a wolf wanting to fit in. (Could also be a million other reasonings but these are the two most probable).

This isn’t really a necessary post, and it just gives me… a bad… vibe
Is this entire thing just a viberead.

I like this post. Don’t think its AI, I just agree with it.

This just feels… fake. As Lucy put it: “High horseness.”
Just everything they post feels like it’s written by someone who is 6’8" and making fun of us for being 5’2" (sorry Europeans).

I realized I actually can’t put my thoughts into words regarding Susan and I just have bad feelings about them.
Maybe with more content I can produce more actual readable sentences.

This post was more useless than I intended but whatever, I don’t feel like scrapping it


This post specifically is intriguing, because it implies that Geoffrey considers Thomas scummy… and yet, Geoffrey does not do anything with said suspicion. Geoffrey only says that Thomas is doing suspicious things, but does not question him, follow up on it, or even ask other people about it. What good does it do for him to tell the target of his suspicion that he is suspicious? Absolutely nothing.

Again. This just looks performative. Geoffrey wants to look like he is town-motivated by explaining to Thomas how to play the game. Geoffrey wants to look like he is solving people’s alignments by expressing mild suspicion on Thomas. But neither of those come across as genuine.

Of course, he may improve as the game goes on, but the way he started is enough for me to put him below null.

Also, if you wished to be somewhat creative, you could read “nobody will listen to you, Thomas” as a hidden assumption that Thomas is town, despite the expressed suspicion (“it’s more likely to come from scum clogging up the thread”). Which would be an example of TMI. “You are town, but you are doing scummy things.”

I would rather not call this post TMI, but one could easily do that and I would not say it’s unsubstantiated.

Overall, Geoffrey is my first scumread. There isn’t much to use, but it’s day 1. If you don’t do anything on day 1, you are not playing the game the right way. We don’t have to be correct, we just have to do things and the mafia will be forced to adapt.

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Excellent crosspost.
Well then, throw me more bones. I’m waiting.
Or rather, you can leave them by the door. I’ll take a look when I’m not inconvenienced.

now that the thread is more active, i’d like to pose this question again?

tbf now that i think about it, he was scum pushing on V, so it was agenda filled but i get where u at, at least

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I can see what you’re talking about. I don’t think I necessarily agree, but the way you’re discussing this read does not come across as if you are faking the read.
You can remain within my townreads. It is a small group, but I hope to expand it eventually.

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depends on the person heavily. Certain people just click, in non alt games people i enjoy outside of fm usually click faster. Like idk its a lot of gut for me, not the best at explaining it ya know

Ik that happens as town, but this is early game and I usually see it from scum

i get where you’re coming from here actually. not meaning to derail the discussion at hand this is just something i’ve been wondering for awhile now as i’m constantly confounded by how people get accurate reads so early in the game.

i keep saying imma leave but usually come back in ten minutes due to me like being obessessed but i got din din, see ya

I could easily see it being scum motivated, but sadly I don’t think it is. Like the more I read the more Thomas sounds like LHF town. I am not about to even read that ISO, but from what I have read so far it looks like a desperate attempt to get people to listen to him/her. The reason I said it’s likely to come from scum is because scum have done this shit in the past and it is a valid strategy. I didn’t read any of the thread when I made that post though

I will work on that

first things first
stop focusing on Thomas.
ignore him.
he’s 99% trolling. if he actually manages to do good things on D2 (i set a date to unblock him then, you should do the same), then you can start focusing on him again.
do not let him influence your reads on alice or anybody else.
im glad some of the other players have taken to this.
this is all i will post about him from now on until D2, where if they are serious they should be stepping up their game.

anyways, should probably reread thread (after my piano lesson) because my thoughts were on thomas the whole time.

I never expect to lock myself into any read I have. The times when I do lock myself into reads are uncommon.

I do not think Gilbert’s posts come from groupscum. I like the fact he immediately reached the conclusion that someone who is antitown should not be PL’d, because they are still town.

This particular part of their reasoning for calling Thomas town shows that Gilbert actually thought about the read. It wasn’t a foregone conclusion, he did not expect the other party to believe it implicitly, he actually brought evidence he had uncovered. Which means that Gilbert cares about his reads making logical sense, and that he would not simply throw a townread at Thomas with nothing to back it up other than “Thomas is being stupid.”

This mindset of “caring about reads and presenting evidence,” especially this early on and within a rather cluttered thread, is towny.

Gilbert is now above the null line.


emma’s 10 posts are quite nice.
they analyze things.
and for the 30 minutes they’ve been in thread it is good

I admit that I didn’t read every single post in the thread, but I also don’t believe that anyone else actually had a discernible and understandable reason for townreading Thomas. (I am ignoring reasons such as “too dumb to be scum,” or any other form of TWTBAW. Those are easy. I used those myself.)

Which makes it even more important that Gilbert considered it imperative to have that reasoning. The easier, and more common, way a mafioso would do this is by simply calling Thomas “dumb town,” like I have. Gilbert did not do that.

That makes four people above null. So far, so good.

thank you both, that was helpful.
also, i know i’m being hypocritical by saying this but i really don’t care:
no more posts about thomas are needed provided they don’t suddenly get their head out of their ass. it’s as consensus as it can be that we need to ignore him and any more posts stating that are simply superfluous now.

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How do I mute someone and does it hide their posts/reduce the post count?

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follow these steps

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I would expect every single townie to have “analyzed things” before this day ends. It’s a bare minimum anyone should be able to reach, no matter the accuracy of their reads, or their ability to wax poetic about their understanding of the game.

In other words, I encourage every other townie to build their own worldview and compare it with the worldviews of others. Only then will we be able to create the proverbial box. I don’t expect it to be entirely accurate as early as day 1, but it is a good starting point, and objectively always better than nothing.

I’m leaving the thread for the time being. It should be in good hands. Most people here are town, after all.


I can say that you are 95% town for the way you have handled things so far and in the way we have interacted.