SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I’m confused. Do you not like me because I am being bossy? I could fluffpost, it’s what I’ve fallen into the habit of doing, but we’ve already got one person with over 500 posts, don’t need another.

this is very off as im assuming this is like townleans, why is this here if you arent able to make conclusions

hey yeah gimme some thomas quotes to back that up please
on susan particularly, i understand why people are wolfleaning them that’s just not quite how i saw it. i bring this up because this is something i’ve seen a bit of, and to me they just read like a more experienced player getting slightly snappy on a newer one. this isn’t to say it’s towny, just that i don’t think it’s wolfy?

do you not like em*

shit replied to you and not me, color scheme is to similiar im trying to fix my own grammar

This isn’t my first game, I’ve played with a lot of the people here. A lot of people can be really strong townies and wolves. And I’m sure that some are playing, even though I don’t know who. I could give examples of people who are probably better than me that might be playing, but I don’t know if that’s against the rules of anonymous games.

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oh wait i confused ur post with mine, wtf am i doing

my main thing is their vibe annoyed me, i realistically dont scumread em but they did annoy me a bit. I will give them a better look when they have more on table

I looked at their iso (it’s pretty shot so you could too), and the rest has the same tone.

The bossy tone isn’t impossible for a village to have, I just think it’s really weird.

I am here now. I read through thread and found little of note. Not sure what you want me to talk about.

i see how it could be off-putting to some this makes sense.
i have iso’d them, and it did seem like simply a more experienced player which is why i said as much.
i agree there hasn’t been much of note, we need to find a way to make it not so.

I guess in the back of my mind I was thinking “this could very easily go either way, but gth they’re probably town”. Also it was a bit confusing because I was also trying to figure out when somebody would have asked me a question without me noticing :frowning:

so if u had to say top 3 town gth who would u say, cause u keep coming back with little of note and it doesnt feel like ur doing anything

if everyone is able and hasn’t already, i would like for everyone to give their top three townreads and top three wolfreads, preferably with reasoning behind them.

They do seem to be acting like an experienced player, but not similar at all to any of the other experienced players I’ve seen. Usually they sort of try to work with other people or solve, but Susan just seems more like they’re talking down to people…

I just had a funny thought.

It actually kind of seems like they think they’re talking to a bunch of surge’s.

aren’t we all surge until proven otherwise?
the dynamics between newer/experienced players will likely be out of focus and far more different than normal, for me personally i default to thinking everyone is just as experienced as i am in a fully anonymous game like this even though that isn’t logically the case, and it shows in my interactions with others. is anyone else experiencing this?

Yeah, I guess you’re right :slight_smile:

Although obviously not everybody can be surge.

It makes more sense for you to call out my read on Emma as being too quick from a village PoV than from a wolf.
I still think you’re town as you’re questioning people and clearly playing to solve the game.

GTH? Hm. Alice, for being able to flesh out a read with a thought process on me, I’ve overall simply liked some of Nicolas’ posts, and I like that you’re asking people for reads, although you’ve kinda been pushing for them heavily even though it’s still very early game.

Also, I apologize if it seemed like I was being belittling or condescending. I had just read a couple hundred posts, about a quarter of which were blithering heaps of bile, and was slightly out of sorts.

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