SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Main reason to push Geoffrey here is its a great lead push that will give us good reads and ideas to bounce off on.

I hope so anyway but thats just my sjort summary of motivation behind it

And why is it a ā€œgreat lead push?ā€ What is your alignment read on him?

dont pus hgeorffry push sara

Vote target Voted by Votes
Sarah_Lacey Thomas_Scott 1/9
Geoffrey_Bailey Ivo_Wake, Emma_Maison 2/9

its not cuz hee probably nk if sarah assssin

Light scum rn :slight_smile:

Emma thatā€™s a very antagontic tone Iā€™ll keep that in mind

I soft-contradict this.

I have reasonsā„¢ to think itā€™s unlikely that sarah was the killer

Itā€™s no secret that I scumread you, I even said as much yesterday.

That said, I scumread Geoffrey more.

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she visited lucy

sara visited lucy hang me so that confirm sara scum



Well each to their own I honestly couldnā€™t care less about being a ā€œscum readā€ Iā€™m going to do my own thing that leads progression for the game.


did you track sarah, or watch lucy?

ngl I hate that they froze.

@Thomas_Scott come back here and clarify your claim.

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i tracked sarah

vote sarah

Thank you

votttttttteeeeeeeeee saaaaaaaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah