SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!


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Doesn’t take into account the reasoning behind it.

flawed logic

actually, could everyone who joined ivo’s wagon give an explanation why beyond just “i sheeped alice”?

Statistically it means it’s just highly unlikely as I don’t think Lucy/Susan are either vig targets and I don’t think it’s likely we have a Demon or the Assassin 2f1’d.

This forum loves to sheep people named Alice for some reason.


I don’t see how it’s flawed logic.
Assuming NK can be occupied and we have assassin, then whoever was occupied can’t be Assassin/NK.
Then again since cult leader apparently can eradicate and brainwash someone, then whoever was occupied/jailed isn’t cult leader either.

I joined Ivo’s wagon as I wanted to give some pressure onto him. My original intention was to vote Geoffrey, but yeah.

I dunno I’m generally still lost with the generic names still halp

Tempted to vote myself

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i mean normally i can’t say i blame us, Original Alice is worth sheeping.
and ivo, geoffrey was your jailee N1 i believe?

I don’t know why it makes the thread harder to read it just does for me ._.

Here’s my reasoning for me voting ivo (in addition to what I told ivo directly)

I’ve been remembering people by pfp
It helps me, at least

In my head I go
“I disliked pink pfp’s push on Geoffrey…”
Then scroll up to find pink pfp person’s name

Except I’m now starting to get used to names as I see and talk to more people

That’s the point. Why would scum want to start a wagon on a townie, when they could be outing the Prince?
They don’t want the town to know who the Prince is, so they can pick off the Prince at night when the town doesn’t know who to protect.

uhhhh? no???
What gave you the idea I was shoving people all into POE.

I wanted to go from low > High and low posters should generally be pushed more early so that we can all actually work together as a faction instead of doing shit. Might be why I only had soft reads aswell

You claimed Isabel was a “small townlean” and still said they were PoE.

I was strongly TR’ing Isabel and that set off alarms in my head.

As I was looking for my vote I found this.

Feels hella opportunistic, the way they express suspicion on the flash wagon and join it in the same post.

My vote is getting antsy over here so /vote Jane_Draton

alright thank you Nicolas.
seems like a towny-motivated vote, sufficient explanation and isoing them yourself without blindly relying on alice’s read.

I felt like Isabel would benefit from some early day pressure but were leaning town for me.

I might need to look into it again reee.