SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Oh I was mostly referring to occupy stuff. Jail stuff yeh I guess.

Geoffy was like Iā€™ve said before.

I know their claim intended night action and so far they are making me wish I pushed that Execute button

*Geoffrey (wow)

Iā€™m going to bring up what they said in a minute because I donā€™t think they are currently following through

the fact that you kept saying geoffy was bringing me joy ngl

Lets go through what Geoffrey might be as not town depending on if itā€™s cult/unseen.

If this is an Unseen game, then Geoffrey can only be OG MM or neutral if they didnā€™t rand as town.
If itā€™s a cult game, then Geoffrey can only be 2nd starting cult or neutral as not starting town.

Thing that annoys me is that he said heā€™d be trying to help lead the town, I really wanted to pressure him to make them see that through.

Firstly he talked about town reading Emma, Alan(King), Thomas slot being town (Before the great replacement)
After he gave scum reads on helen/Sarah and said Peter was null

He claimed a class (I wonā€™t out) his intended action makes enough sense to not rise suspicion.

boat^2 is a good setup

Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Ivo_Wake, Emma_Maison, Jane_Drayton 3/9
Gilbert_Lovell Thomas_The_Second 1/9
Jane_Drayton Nicolas_Adams 1/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Peter_Carew, Geoffrey_Bailey, Mary_Savill, Andry_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Sarah_Lacey, Edmond_Bailey, Isabel_Savage, Alice_Alard, Helen_Harte 11

@Alan_Atlee Start leading as King today.

Donā€™t make your son do your job ;-;

Thank god I document my current reads.

Iā€™m going to scrap them for RN but use them as good references for the lower posters (Iā€™ll likely go through them again)

But Iā€™ll likely starting from the top here I actually feel strongly motivated to play lead town here instead of being killed n1.

this at least motivates me. having a proven town leading the threat will do wonders for discussion.
a note: though Prince is of course, proven town, not everyoneā€™s reads will be perfect all the time and people shouldnā€™t sheep everything the Prince says with no explanation.
not dissing you of course ivo, just something i believe needs to be said.

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The first owner of the slot gave nothing of sustenance to read. The thing to notice is that they liked Lucy a lot so there could be associations there. I do not think it is noteworthy enough to read by itself so I need to consider the second slot too.


This is a tale of two halves. I really liked the ISO of Geoffrey D1 but thus far have disliked it D2. i want to see more from this slot in a solving manner because I believe they attempted to do so D1


First few posts were interactions with Thomas, then complaining about them which I would be fine with, however, it took up like a third of their ISO thus far. This is also a really suspicious post because Mary does not seem to care enough to state their reads which shows a lack of town motivation.

Mary also admits OMGUSing someone as part of their reason to scumread a slot. This was on Alice. The issue with this is that motivation wise it is very confusing. I could see this as a neutral scum or unseen at their cap setting it up so we get rid of Mary day 3 and leave converts open. I say Unseen because if it was Cult then their cap is 4 so they could still convert but Unseen cannot.


Sarah is one of the most confusing ones to me, it mixes some interactions with people and tons of fluff at the same time. For example a post explaining why another post was odd, then saying that they would do more readsā€¦ but then quickly saying that they were joking around and were going to do games.

I do not see why town would post this. All it serves to do is allow scum an excuse for why they did not do the reads at the time. Do note at this point that I did these reads by doing lowest post count upwards and I already have a fair few scumleans or scum bits on the lower slotsā€¦ so I dislike how I struggle to find this as town.

Basically, all low posters need to make more content. The most recent interactions Sarah had were about defending themselves from the Troll Thomas claim. Again nothing of note and I think this slot is trying to skirt by


I highly dislike the opening post of this slot. There is one miniature take and then a ton of hedge on Thomas, Gilbert, Peter and Geoffrey. I also commonly see Jane saying they dislike something a slot has said but not whether it is townie or scummy. This would have been perfectly followed up by a post about the individual reads but it mostly just disappeared. Jane said it was not their final reads list and then did nothing about it afterwards >.>

I want literally anyone to have town motivation and thus far I have seen reasons everyone can be taken as scum so I am going to have to do a tier read after these ISO dives.


I love reading this ISO in particular because Emma has a lot of posts which can be analysed in great depth. There is a lot of coherence from one post to the other which shows that Emma is paying a lot of attention to what they do to avoid any bad posts. For now, moderate town lean. I will reevaluate this slot in the future though because if we have a deep wolf, the meticulous nature of making sure one post flows into the next could be seen as scum trying to look good and attentive.

The Thomases

Prince. Enough said.


First few posts are quite normal, annoyance with Thomas. Explaining to others how to block them. I think that this slot falls short in 1 way in particular. They do some reads on their own accord but a lot of their posts are wanting to agree or align themselves to everyone else. I think it is scum trying to be agreeable.

I was not finished. AAAAAAAAH

We need it after yesterdays mess.

Iā€™ll try not to dissapoint, Iā€™m generally not the strongest ā€œreaderā€ or town lead but Iā€™ll try to help the best I can.

Anyway: King I want allies tonight please.

If we have a Mystic link me with someone or yourself (or a group of people)

Iā€™m already pre-jailing someone but Iā€™ll likely change that.

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Yeah, you are deffo in my allies tonight

I do want more then that I want your pre-outing thoughts on me.

oh thank god for that. any ideas on who you think should take the second slot?

Would say Alice. Iā€™m kind of lazy so I wonā€™t be much use at night.

I still need to do Gilbert, Andy, Nicolas, Thomases, Isabel, Alice and Edmond.
But I hope thus far that my quick ISO dives have been alright.
I thought to do it in a different way to how I usually do things

Sure, I guess I can ISO dive you too as for pre outed slot but I do not remember disliking anything D1.
I will double check though.
So add you to the list of ā€œTo doā€

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