SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

At here, I was not reluctant to make too many town read. And many of the opening post on that day were just in my opinion, NAI, so I didn’t know where did you get that idea from. And side note, I feel like I felt a need to start the game off with a strong opener as I didn’t know for the past few how many games I get mislynched D2 off the hacking start or just get stuffed inside the PoE for lol fluffing.

Yes, I confess that I was sideline talking at here, because I do not hecking know how to lead up or fit into a discussion inside the game, so I just sort of encouraging others to post. But how was I asking “bad questions”? And also, I could not refute if I were truly trying to stay UTR, as that is just your self-confirmation bias.

If you were talking about this below post, then I need to tell you: This is not really a “question” nor a shading attempt as Alan were still talking about the pre-replacement Thomas, even though he had already replaced in.

This is just my read list at that time. And I voted Ivo on D2 because I really wanted to pressure onto him. And as I have said before, this is a hecking snap read. If you truly believe that my readlist is meh, then okay, it is meh, but then by your logic, everyone’s read list will be meh too if it doesn’t come out in the perfect way that you have think of in the ideal world. Also, I put your slot low down into the slight Scum list as pre-replace in Peter is just really meh with not much stuff going on at all. And also, it is my fault that I didn’t put much “progression” out to scum read people, apologies in advance.

I am basically just flicking TRYING TO PRESSURE HIM. My intent is to just unvote after he have presented his defence against the wagon, and then vote Geoffrey.

Self-bias, can’t argue with that.

I will just admit that I worded it terribly wrong then, but if you just want to scum read me based out of that, go ahead. I was questioning about that hecking PoE just because KILLING THOSE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN INTERACTING WITH THOMAS IS JUST A FREAKING TERRIBLE IDEA. And I said many other more just because I feel like that PoE is just so goddamn wrong.

Jane time Jane time
Time to figure out what’s going on with this wagon.

I remember really liking Jane’s opening posts. I think it was because they came out in a flurry of reads and solvey posts right out of the gate and they didn’t feel very scared to jump into the thick of it. I thought this felt townie.
Perhaps I didn’t read the content with as much effort as I should have.

Just read back through Jane’s ISO, and I’m going to see if I agree with the reasons for this wagon.

Jane has a lack of conclusive wording in their opening post. They also came into the thread over a day after the game started, so I’d hope they would have some stronger reads?
This isn’t AI, just something that sparked my interest.
Ignoring this and not counting it as reasoning as Peter admits it can come from either alignment.

(Had to go for 45m after typing this part)

I can agree with this. Doesn’t help that they weren’t around for a lot of d1, so there isn’t a ton to go off of.

This is the main part of your post that I agree with tbh. And I think it also happens to be one of the worst parts of their ISO. Their progression and vote on Ivo.

Along with no progression, voting the person who the Prince claimed to jail doesn’t really make a lot of sense? It’s mechanically unlikely that they are a starting wolf, though not impossible. This vote just felt super sudden, really.
On my first re-read this felt like “Oh shit Ivo claimed Prince. Who was Prince voting? Geoffrey? Okay I’ll vote Geoffrey and act like it was my original intention.”
Then I read it a second time and looked for reasoning for their vote:

Looks like they did intend to vote Geoffrey. This probably isn’t a lie.
But I still don’t understand why they voted Ivo, especially right after saying that they don’t know why there was a sudden flash wagon for them.

The deepwolf/powerwolf reasoning is incredibly faulty, and often used by wolves to shade towncore. They were townreading Ivo before this, and I don’t see why a sudden wagon on them would make them immediately scared of a deepwolf. Never vote someone just because of paranoia. Figure out why you are paranoid. Can’t use the excuse that we keep flipping villagers, since we haven’t flipped anyone yet lol.

This post didn’t ping me as hard as it pinged you tbh. I see where you’re coming from but it feels kinda reachy.

I find myself agreeing with you that Jane has a lot of wolf potential, and I understand why this wagon formed now. Pretty fine voting there, but three things are giving me pause:
A. I feel like you went into this post with a conclusion in mind, and this was a scum-case, rather than a genuine attempt to read Jane? It could be conf-bias from the “heeby jeebies,” I suppose.
B. You’re too focused on a single player. You aren’t really looking outside of Jane recently. Jane is the only player you made a wallpost on, and you haven’t done the same with the rest of your PoE. This feels kinda bad faith.
C. The Gilbert wagon never picked up any traction. Not when Thomas first voted them (which was before I voted Ivo), and not when I hopped on it with Thomas. A super basic threadread makes me feel like something is wrong here, but I’m having a hard time telling what? (I also have something extremely pre-flippy to say on this but I’ll leave it for allies probably lmao)

Yes I full on admitted this, it was planned to be a scum-case

Can’t be bothered tbh

It could be indicative of Gilbert being a wolf, however, it could just be that Jane and Helen are just more wolfy than him at this point

Also I was told to make a wallpost on him

A valid point, prior experience may affect what you want to put in your opener.

What made Isabel’s opener AI when compared to the others.

None of your questions really furthered the threadstate and were simple, basically just asking people to restate their reads, instead of making reads yourself.

It was the post above, in between the line breaks I put in the post

But why

Oops wasn’t meant to post that yet

I just don’t get why you would open with a snapvote on Ivo if your original intention was to vote Geoffrey? Surely you’d mention Geoffrey in your opener as well?

But it wasn’t like half of those players were bad looks already and I planned to look at those players as a starting point for my reads, to see if I could pull them out

Really Late Catch Up: Someone told me that it was kinda pointless to just do these catchup wallposts or something, so I just wrote down my general thoughts. I don’t have much thoughts about this tho so far:

  1. We’re not killing King. King is almost never our priority here, even if we think they’re evil/cult king, we must focus on finding gorupscum

Because I fully expected them to be converted.
Take FOL 30 as an example. Paradox, the highest townread I believe was converted. Lucy was our highest townread by the end of day 1 and I assumed scum would’ve converted them.

Some Reads Now: I’ve looked people’s ISOs and started building my own conclusions on them. I probably should’ve done this a lot earlier, but due to time reasons I couldn’t. Also, some of my reasoning might be hypocritical, and I understand if you’re gonna scumread me based on some of those reasonings.

Ivo_Wake (Locktown) - This is Prince. No need for ISOing
Nicolas_Adams (Townread) - Nicolas’s ISO has improved definitely. Their day 1 for me was a little eh, but I’ve seen that they’ve improved day 2 and they seem a lot more townier. They’ve been somewhat solvey I guess, but I mostly like how they handled the “redcheck” on me. They didn’t immediately just go and say that I was evil, he instead pinged some of us and asked us first whether we had visited Lucy or not, which I don’t generally expect scum to think about and do often. Overall very good.
Sarah_Lacey (Townread) - This one is perfect. Their ISO is good, mostly fluffless surprisingly and their posts alone show signs of a good townie trying to solve. Their tone is the thing that’s mostly contributing to this read, as I think their tone is very towny and straightfoward. Posts are fine as well, and I can’t really find much about any post in their ISO as scummy. Very good slot for me. The only thing that does slightly ping me is the cheery/excited mood they always seem in, but that’s just me being grumpy or something idk.
Geoffrey_Bailey (Townlean) - Geoffrey’s ISO is pretty decent so far. His day 1 is a little weak in my opinion, but they kinda get excused for that since they arrived kinda late. After day 1 however, most of their posts were fine and some of them gave towny vibes for me, and very few posts actually pinged him as scummy. They also started solving which is very nice, and their solving was decent. The ISO wallposts on things weren’t really impressive nor necessarily scummy, but I still liked them. They’re not jumping onto things instantly as well, which does make them look better and their tone seems very towny. Overall, this one is pretty good.
Peter_Carew (Nulltown???) - I’m very not sure what to think of Peter here to be honest. I originally wasn’t too impressed while reading his ISO. Their predecessor didn’t leave much behind, and their ISO wasn’t looking too impressive either, just basically one-liners, almost similar to what I thought about Gilbert. Also they claimed Noble and a Bounty on Thomas really quickly, which is very ehh. But then they posted their wallpost on Jane and that made me reconsider things. The actual Jane ISO wallpost from them was very good. It touched on a lot of things that I would’ve likely missed and on top of that, it seemed heavily town-motivated and had a lot of time put into it. Overall, it was a fantastic post. This kinda puts me in a weird place though, as I found their ISO mostly very bland and unimpressive, but their one good post was a very good and solvey one. If they would do more of these, I wouldn’t hesitate to put them as a townread, but for now, I will consider them a nulltown after thinking for a while.
Gilbert_Lovell (Nullscum) - After looking at their ISO, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not very impressive at all. Most of their posts are very short and some of them are complete fluff. However, while this is bad, I still found most of their posts very null-like, with most of them being not very towny nor very scummy at all which is why I would only say Gilbert is a nullscum for now. Them also not solving too much and mostly answering questions in their ISO doesn’t give a good look for them, but I wouldn’t say that’s purely grounds for putting them as a scumlean. If this slot doesn’t improve though, I’m probably putting them as scumlean
Mary_Savill (Scumlean) - Extremely not liking their ISO. Half of it can be pretty much considered fluff due to mainly interactions with ThomasTheFirst. The other half is very meh, as it mostly appears to be just answering questions and asking some “so-so” questions to other. Plus, there were some posts that I found scummy and overall this slot hasn’t been doing too much. Not much content either and it seems pretty clear they aren’t paying too much attention. Lastly, they’ve also decided to vote King out, which is something we never want to do unless we know most scum are out. Not very good in general and their ISO isn’t something I really like.
Alan_Atlee (Scumlean King) - ISO is generally overall bad. Their opener was fine I guess, it had some towny tone but the actual post was just catchup, and after that, their ISO got pretty bad. Most of it was fluff due to ThomasTheFirst and then the rest was very not good looking for him. He also “forgot” to use Allies which is very bad. The only thing good was probably his reads that he started doing, and those were alright I guess, but nothing impressive. This is why I consider him a scumlean, but however, this is the King after all so I would go against ever lynching them unless we have most of the scums locked and pinned. As someone else suggested, poison would probably be better for us. On a side note, they’re ISO had some good jokes and gave me some chuckles.
Jane_Drayton (Scumlean) - I won’t lie, this read is mostly me just sheeping Peter’s wallpost on them, but I’m fairly convinced by what their wallpost presented. There’s a couple of inconsistences pointed out by the wallpost and most of their posts are meh. So gonna put this a scumlean. Their OBS claim is also really weird, even weirder than Peter’s Noble claim as Peter’s claim had a understandable reason, but Jane’s claim just doesn’t have any reason. I do wanna see their defenses to Peter’s accusations tho.

Unfinished Ones:

Not a fan of this. I don’t like your narrow mindset currently.

I understand that you think Jane is a wolf, but you don’t win games by focusing on one player a day.

Cool. Go make me a wallpost on another person in your PoE who you would feel comfortable voting if not for Jane.

I haven’t jailed jane nor Helen.

So if you are a occupation class you may occupy them if needed.

That’s all I’m saying anyway.

I expect questions and I’m starting to feel the in the mood to solve now.
For now tho, I’ll lurk a while for like a couple for minutes and then sleep.
/vote Jane

Please don’t last minute lynch without a ping first.

Thing is he was stupidly insistent of it. If it were a faked then he’d probably just say quicker which is why I was just responding emojis to him until Helen fucked up my RT.

Still, it just proves that he didn’t make the kill on Susan and we’re technically looking for gscum and the NK.

He’s been wolfy AF and yet his wagon has litelly been unable to pick up steam this entire game. The only thing going for him is that he kind of looks to not have killed Susan from not knowing they were dead.

Yeah, he kept talking about why he TR’d Gilbert after I kept replying to him with emojis. I don’t think this is how someone who’d be faking a townslip would reply.

I think looking into Jane and Helen here for everyone will help.

I don’t want you to vote them for the reasoning of “lol top poster did it”

Anyway I’ll be on my pc for a bit later and morrcloser to end of day

@Alan_Atlee I want to be in allies with Prince.

(Assuming Ivo is fine with this)

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I swapped to Jane as wagoning Gilbert was pretty much pointless info-wise as the only thing he kept doing was make half-assed defenses of himself instead of wolf-hunting. If I can get support I’d CFD to him before the EoD.

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Yeah that’s exactly what I want

I King shouldn’t really divert from what is proncely spoiled son wants

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