SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Did I really miss or forget an entire wall

Tbh wouldn’t put it past me

I’ll check it out when I get home

Uh, sorry, what? I was pretty much questioning about that goddamn PoE.

I wasn’t trying to broaden the PoE to get some mislynch, I was basically questioning if they have any other people inside the PoE in there.

And I am so goddamn sorry that I worded my post in a goddamn wrong way.

Helen seems frozen if I didn’t know any better.
I have a good feeling we’re getting a wolf pelt D2.


Guess I should do the things I said I’d do


Vote target Voted by Votes
Geoffrey_Bailey Jane_Drayton 1/9
Jane_Drayton Nicolas_Adams, Peter_Carew, Thomas_The_Second 3/9
Helen_Harte Isabel_Savage, Emma_Maison, Ivo_Wake, Geoffrey_Bailey 4/9
Isabel_Savage Sarah_Lacey 1/9
Alan_Atlee Mary_Savill 1/9
Gilbert_Lovell Alice_Alard 1/9
Not Voting Gilbert_Lovell, Andy_Bernard, Alan_Atlee, Edmond_Bailey, Helen_Harte 5
yell at me if anything is incorrect

I easily see both Helen and Jane flipping wolf here

That is certainly possible. Lets see what Helen’s flip is before we can say anything with certainty regarding Jane.

I mean they don’t seem too linked together, however, they are both individually scummy

Unless you mean you think Helen’s flip will spew Jane?

If so, how?

I was pointing out that until we see Helen’s alignment, our reads on Jane will be educated guesses at best.

I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say here

Isn’t Helen’s flip an educated guess as well?

Helen is probably the best target to eliminate today as they clearly are trying to be UTR and aren’t doing anything even when asked. The fact that they’ve stopped posting makes me think they’ve given up as a wolf.

I mean I could say the same for Jane.

However, I will vote for Helen as well if it is needed.

Can you have a look at my Jane wall and tell me what you think of it?

I think your observations on Jane are spot on.
What I’ve been saying about Helen also applies to Jane as well.
Both UTR and not doing much.

I am not giving up yet, just that it is really hard to defend myself right now due to hurrdurr tone read.

Even if I explain my thought process, you just keep pushing onto me.

There is an entire wallpost on you to defend yourself from, not just the toneread.

I really don’t know why you’re so hyperfocussed on the toneread, is it because you realised you slipped up with that post and don’t know how to fix it?

…But I have already defended myself on the wallpost?

Right now I was focused on the tone read as people is just reading me as wolf over that.

Dude you haven’t responded to the wallpost once

Huh, I guess I haven’t really properly responded to your accusation yet, but I still did pull up some defence that are similar to your point of accusation in your wall post. But I will just make a proper defence if that is what you wished to do.

Yes it would be a good idea to engage with the accusations leveled at you