SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

I did

if you want me to make aligment read on someone then you should tell me

I ISOd people starting from lowest person and up I ended on susan which was 4th from bottom

well I debunked all the main reasons thomas voted me and most ppl usually care about their reads or consensus reads anyway

why would I not address others reads on me? it is important that they can see my thought process for them to develop read on my slot no?

again this was about thought that occured to me it’s not really that deep and really on part with other ones I made

thats literally 1 read which I was conflicted on

the GT thing I would expect EK to want to lay low and his emotions seem genuine

We have made it very clear that we want Butler(s) to kill the King tonight.
The strongest voices in the thread scumread him and have said they are willing to vote him out tomorrow if necessary.

Why would an Evil King not Grant Trial here?
It pulls focus away from players we were previously wagoning, destroys the state of the thread by making everyone frustrated and on edge, and it theoretically could stop us from lynching anyone today and getting any VCA or flip to work with, with the small possibility of us killing Mary (who is potentially BD)

This is exactly what an Evil King would do

But I’m done talking about this and giving the King unnecessary attention.

In my personal opinion, we should immediately pardon the GT (if possible), and flip within the wagons we established.
Analyzing the votecounts from before the GT as well as after.

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I tried my best to go in unbiased. I did see your posts about them.

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You haven’t been doing much on your own, in my opinion.
But noted.

Jane’s claim feels pure to me. I think they at least started this game as a Noble, and I’m not very fond of convert hunting this early, so I want to look elsewhere for our wagons tbh. This can be an invest check / target for offensives.

Their d1 was subpar but there isn’t a lot to work with since they came into the thread very late, but nothing pinged me as extremely wolfy. Sure their opener had a lack of conclusions and confidence but that can come from either alignment. Their d2, in my opinion, has been much worse, especially the vote on Ivo at the start, which seemed opportunistic and the reasoning was flawed. They have also been sidelining for a long time.

I already stated that a few things give me pause with voting Jane, including the fact that I think Peter is pushing in bad faith, and that Gilbert’s wagon never picked up any steam, but their claim made me second guess the vote even more.

I called them out for a direct contradiction and they continued to post and reply with the same mindset of “I fucked up,” rather than freezing on the spot, which is what I expected this player to do if they were a wolf - seeing as how they have been sidelining for a while and their d1 opener lacked strong reads, I didn’t take them as very confident, really. (Though this is a flawed mindset, since it’s my personal opinion of what this specific player would have done).
The claim is unnecessarily complicated and I think a wolf would have a more ironed-out fakeclaim, especially if they see a wagon forming quickly on them. They could very easily have claimed a gossip on Sarah rather than Thomas, and it wouldn’t have contradicted what they said earlier today.
Their tone feels genuine.


Sorry for doing like absolutely nothing yesterday, ik irl stuff but still.

Anyway catchup time.

This pings me wierd. Why is gilbert calling jane a “he”? I know it’s alts but I’m pretty sure “Jane” is usually “she” or “they”. Unless Jane claimed to be male somewhere, this feels like they may have TMI’d their alt identity?

Also throwback to SFoL63 when soul claimed confirmable and eli harddefended them with it.

Regarding Andy:
I’ve decided go clear this for now. They had a post before the princess claim talking about “expecting conversion not attack on lucy” I accept this as a soft of their night action, before they knew they were redchecked.

Also Mary trending up bc volume, I’ll actually read it later but I like the WiM and solving.

Apparently king is wagon? Y’all are cringe.

But also something about a grand trial on mary? I can’t figure out what happened but if mary is our only exe option I’m gonna be upset.

I haven’t read gilbert but I see they’re being wagoned. I’ll read up on them, but I’d appeciate a recap on them.

Idk if it works yet but /pardon

I’ma get a shower and get to my pc

Anyone we are planning on yeeting?
I wanna change my Jail target (possibly)

I also don’twant to jail someone we yeet of course

I am kinda getting sick of the amount of people who want Butlers to just poison me.

I was ready to come back bigger and stronger than ever and actively be able to do good stuff but at this point is there any point?

I have a mob after me, though, a few players interpreted stuff as townie from that at least which feels a tiny bit better.

My safest bet would who we are yeeting today would be Gilbert or Helen

That takes into account that GT isn’t a thing that’s what I’m assuming.

I really hope I can get some clarity if we are having a GT

This does seem likely, yes.
Helen was a much bigger wagon than Gilbert based on a quick ISO on Katze.

Jane isn’t really confirmable. I think they started as a Noble, but that doesn’t mean they are one now. Converts have Bounty/Gossip as well.
If we’re going by this logic, everyone who we wagon should not be killed if they claim. Noble isn’t an IC, and every class can be “confirmed” in some regard.
Would you be fine with an Andy wagon, even though he claimed? I still think he has scum equity.

Mary keeps responding only to things that are about/to her. I don’t think this is AI, it’s just frustrating. How do you feel about everyone in this game (outside of the King)?

I submitted it beforehand as I told you.
I did try to cancel it but I do not think it is allowed based on what was being said at the time

What??? Katze is a host bruh

@katze / @Arete could you confirn if a GT is taking place

Yes, I looked at the vote count via the Katze ISO lol

Oh lol nvm

Alright I’ll give in a little bit.

Alan who do you scumread outside of Mary?
If we pardon Mary here, who else would you feel comfortable wagoning?

I am going to state this for the record.
So many players wish for butlers to poison me. Do this at your peril. If you are happy being a vanilla townie then please feel free to make your mistake