SFoL 64 - Anonymous FoL - Day 6 - The Possessor, Inquisitor, and Fool are victorious!

Did you even read my reply to you?

I explained my Gilbert read for people and it seems everyone ignored it

Donā€™t ever ask me to explain something and act like it doesnā€™t exist

If youā€™re not that settled on Gilbertā€™s alignment then why not keep trying to solve it instead of leaving him like this?

Entire exchange there, especially the wording, feels W/W with a wolf telling the other to village up or get bussed rather than a villager trying to genuine solve their slot.

Because I canā€™t with whatā€™s there currently. If Gilbert is town they will start solving if they arenā€™t they will freeze up and keep defending themselves. This is not something I can do as of now. I can look at his new posts closer, but thatā€™s about it.

How is it W/W from your PoV?

I specifically said that Gilbert is a null in the PoE for me. If they donā€™t improve they die. Whatā€™s so hard to understand about that assessment?

Spoilers, they have just frozen and spent much their time in the thread making shoddy defenses.

In Helen/Gilbert worlds I always want to see Helen flip first because they are my highest SR as of now. I need to re-eval Jane and look at Gilbertā€™s recent posts, but Helen is the wolfiest of the trio

Then they might be a wolf, I need to take a look at their recent posting. I thought they were showing potential though

Expand on these please. Iā€™d like to know which posts/reads youā€™re referring to with Sarah and Helen as well.

The way he claimed his class was NAI imo. After Nicolas outted his results, he had all the time in the world to form a convincing fakeclaim if heā€™s a wolf.

Why havenā€™t you yet?

Iā€™m skimming through Andyā€™s d2 and the worst thing they have done isā€¦ not do much of anything. He doesnā€™t have a lot of content to go off of.
Posted Lucy and Susanā€™s final reads but didnā€™t comment on them or do anything with them.
Kinda feels like they were trying to look useful.

Says at one point heā€™s going to try to read Thomas 2.0 butā€¦ still hasnā€™t.

RT shit goes on for ~15 posts

His catch-up post (Post #78 in ISO) is fine

We werenā€™t anywhere close to quickhammering. This post from Edmond is NAI imo. Also Iā€™ve read the last sentence a few times and every time I read it it feels like a scumslip but I know it isnā€™t bc scumslips like this are bullshit.
Donā€™t know why he didnā€™t say ā€œScum I think here would take the opportunity to vote out a villager who everyone thinks is redcheckedā€ or something similar.

I like this post.

Iā€™m so flip-floppy on this.
I donā€™t see them mention Sarah anywhere else in their ISO and this feels like it came out of nowhere.
The last sentence justā€¦ feels so villagery and genuine though lmao

All of Andyā€™s conclusions in this post are fleshed out andā€¦ seemā€¦ real? Good vibes too.
I want him to go back and quote what heā€™s referencing when he says ā€œsome posts from [player] ping me as [scummy/townie]ā€ for all of these reads, though.

Finish these please, or at least give me some thoughts.

He didnā€™t feel uncomfortable in his interaction with the Prince.

Meh. Mehmehmehmeh
Iā€™m torn

Honestly liking Andy a lot more after reading through this. I also just checked my d1 reasonings for disliking the slot and I absolutely was too focused on looking for wolftells.
But his slot still hasnā€™t done all that much tbh, and I still believe in some of the things I said d1, such as his useless Thomas interactions, as well as:

^ This one is a positive

Thomas also made a good point that it looks like he could potentially have been TMIā€™ing old Thomas as not groupscum.
I think a lot of the reason I disliked Andy today was because of the observer info though, and it biased and skewed my view on him afterwards. It woulda been nice if it wasnā€™t outted how it was outted, but I canā€™t change the past

Iā€™m not sold on Andy being a villager atm, and Iā€™m also not sold on him being a wolf.
There are things that ping me from both sides of the spectrum and I really want to talk to other people about this because Iā€™ll just keep going back and forth in my head.

This was supposed to be a catchup post and I went on a bigass tangent and Iā€™m now tired as hell and gonna chillax
Just skimmed the rest to catch up rq

Because you begin saying that you believe that Gilbertā€™s slot has a chance of flipping W, then mentioning that they could dig themselves out of it and saying youā€™d rather lynch Helen or Jane over them without further interacting with them. Youā€™re not talking about the potential of them being a villager here, and the end absolutely reeks of a wolf telling their bud to village up or be bussed.

Also where the hell is Peter?
He dropped off the face of the planet.
All heā€™s done today is focus on a single individual and thatā€™s nagl.

I kind of just want him to bounty someone and then see if this is a Cult or Unseen game and slot him into a conf!starting BD if itā€™s the latter.

I tried making it clear that I thought they had the potential of being a villager. Take this for example, in which I say that I think they made some towny thoughts.

I did lay the breadcrumbs down if you read between the lines

I think my conclusion does support the things I said in my ISO of Gilbert

I have no idea.
Iā€™m trying to remember what he did this game.
Noble claim if I remember correctly.

Defending Thomas isnā€™t exactly towny. He had literally no reason to townread it.

Would you mind if I made a condensed post talking about Gilbertā€™s recent posts or should I just make a full on ISO of Gilbertā€™s last 50 posts?

Condense it.

I kind of see what you are talking about with Gilbert. I think the slot was being solvier earlier and thus thought there was potential for them to be town, but I donā€™t see it in their last 40-50 posts. Itā€™s just more of the same stuff. I thought the slot would do more tbqh. I want to make a better ISO post on this point later, but for now I hope this is fine